
90's Saturday Morning Live Action Martial Arts Tournament tv show?

by  |  earlier

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It was about a group of fighters fighting each other for there emblem's and when one collected all of them they had a chance at the title belt. Some of the fighters american guy dressed up like Johnny Cage(MK) and another one was a black guy with a tech them and a asian guy in a blue and white karate uniform. They fought in many different arena's old west ghost town, cave, cage, and the title match arena was a spinning ring with what seemed to be a ten foot fall at the edge. During the mates the fighters always get attacked by cannon fodder ninja. Any one know the name of this show.




  1. i think you are talking about WMAC masters. i used to watch it like every saturday i can. the acting was horrible. by yeah, memories huh.

  2. Holly **** man yeah I remember that it would come on after that cartoon Dark stalkers.  

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