
90 Probe, 200,000 miles... Is it worth $750?

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Ok.. So.. Until I can get my car on the road (atleast a month), I need to get something, ya know?

So.. I found a 1990 Ford Probe.. It's white, standard trans, and they say it runs good. But, it has around 200,000 miles on it....

Is $750 a good deal? If I test drive and like it, what is a fair offer price? Or, should I skip it because of the high mileage? =/ She said it had 200,000 "body miles", what would that mean?

Anyone familiar with 1990 Probes, are they usually decent cars?

I drove a 96 a few years ago, the tranny went out, but it was auto. Is standard better, probably?




  1. Definatly check to see what the blue book is on it.  I have always HATED fords but if it was looked after well then go for it!  

    My parents have a ford that has lasted them to 280k miles and still running strong.  I had a ford and it lasted to 180k and died tho.

    I think when she is saying "body miles" that means the car is most likely trashed...

  2. Well, it runs, which puts it one up on the Cav right now.  Anything that runs is worth $750.  

    The Probe is really a Mazda under the skin so a decent car, but 200k miles is 200k miles.  Wear, tear and maintenace will have more to do with it than anything else at this point.  If it drives OK and passes a basic inspection I say go for it.  

  3. It really depends on the shape the car is in.  Personally, I'm not a Ford fan because of how many problems I have seen with them.  But as far as value for the money, 750 seems like a good deal.

    Check on Kelly Blue book to get an approximate price for the car.

    Good luck!

  4. 200,000 "Body Miles" Never heard that unless there has been a "Major Componate Change" (Engine or Transmission)? When you drive it How does the Clutch Feel? Engine Running Good? Any Fluid Leaks (Most Easyly fixable)? Seems ok? $750 is Good. "Maybe you should have a Mechanic Friend Look at it too?

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