
91 RS Camaro V8 after running a while cuts off when i dont give it gas. why?

by Guest61978  |  earlier

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the car runs superbly, just had a major tune-up/ changed the fuel filter which i thought would solve the problem..if i drive it for a good period of time git off the expressway and stop at a red light or sumthin it tries to cut off,and i have to crank it back up then its ok as long as im giving it gas/what could the problem be? i luv that car man, pleez help




  1. Say bro, I'm assuming you dont go fats in it or race it or im wrong not to sure. but try in floor it unlease it bro let it do its thing and reaslise all the power under the hood maybe its been drove so soft it need to hit high rpms and open up those lifters and open the fuel injectors all the way and run some fuel injector cleaner in it. maybe you have clogged fuel injectors and at a light it cant hold a steady rpm cuz its not getting a good amount of fuel. another cause that it could be is the spark plug wires and plugs. if all is good go to a mechanic spare out 60 bux and have a check up on that bad boy. i love these cars too i never drove one or even been in one but have raced one and their bad even bone stock out da factory bro! you are lucky. my friends 94 5.0 mustang when comming to a light it cut out like your saying and he restarted it and punched it and started halling *** and now it runs good if he goes to long of driving slow it want to die when comming to a stop or at a stop.. good luck man!  

    TDS RACING !!!

  2. Sounds to me like you have a small vacuam leak somewhere. Change the Pcv and look for a cracked vacuam line.

    Does it idle in park?

    Does this problem go away if you use the ac?

    Is this FI or carb?

  3. I would guess it would either be the fuel pump, or the lines are not pressurized properly.

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