
911 Conspiracy????? I've never even thought of that ~_~?

by Guest62716  |  earlier

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I saw this just the other day.... It blew me away and it wouldn't surprise me if anything was being hidden...

What are your thoughts on this video?




  1. I'd answer and dispute your claims, but you obviously have never heard of logic, so I will save my breath.

    *shakes head*

    Life must be so Horrible for you people in this free country that you have to make up ^&$& like this in order to make it berable.

    Get a JOB, people, and then tell me you have the free time for this #$%&

  2. I believe it because I have followed stuff like this for years.  I would get hunches and wow here they  came true.  

    THINK!   I ask one ? Where were our figjhter Jets that are above us every day? These men are taught to be there in minutes.   Remember when the small plane went into the air space of the white house,  that piolet was scared to death,

    He said he thought he was going to be shot down, he looked

    out and there was a fighter piolet peering into his small plane

    and he really thought this is it.  Now Here were hugh planes

    in an air space over Manhatten;  and NO AIR FORCE?????

    Then you read about what our dear pilots were facing that

    day. Oh MY, on that special day it happened to be chosen for

    aWAR  GAMES of "Terrorists striking a city"  Now what happen?  

    Think,  there were three places that were real events; but

    inter mingled were the WAR Games being played like real threats.

    You can find some of the things on You tube where the conflicting.  Actual Piolets demanding to have the messages cleared up. messages (with these WAR GAMES) the piolets

    begged to please clear up the confusing messages they

    were getting;  They were stalled because  it took 10 MIN.

    to get some clearity.   People can not believe this, but We

    better wake up.. Think about the coinsidence of playing all of theseTerr. WAR GAMES on the day that all of these

    attacks were made on us.  We do not scare easy.  People

    held up each other.)

    One thing I personally viewed (ONE TIME) then it did not air again;  during this mess,  an older man was standing in

    the middle of a road, and someone ask him about WallStreet

    and he said, "We are already set up right here" and he pointed to a brick house to the rear of him.  I told my partner

    what is this about?? Here our World Trade Center was attacked and there is this man, almost JOYFULL like telling

    us on the TV  Wall Street is up and operating like nothing just

    occured.  It was so surreal and that it was only played one time that I saw it, You ??Did I really hear and see this guy standing in the middle of the street. telling us Wall Street

    was up and operating even tho the twin towers were Blown


    (Check out John Perkins, You tube on the book he just wrote)

    On the "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"  These men

    have been seduced into things in their 20's after they were

    questioned by the FBI to see if they would be good material

    for the job.  One Man used to do an AGENDA that

    just like 9/11 was played on us.  These few in the whole world

    Nations  that have the money in the world banks, and federal reserve, not really the U.S. money but belongs to these few wealthy families.  They control us through, Credit cards given by these banks knowing people need money to live and human nature will do what it has to to servive.

    Also view ( Lindsey lived these secrets for over 25 years and felt he must tell what he knows because

    people have to know what they have been doing for centuries.

    Please read and know I am an educated lady and have been

    reading and now things in the BIG puzzel are coming together.

    Good Luck in your search for the whole truth.  God Bless

    America!  Peace!

  3. Homeless, do not even compare Loose Change to Michael Moore's joke of a film. Moore is a fool and his film is a useless distraction that doesn't bother to look at the real evidence. Moore suggests that Bush somehow masterminded it (which is ridiculous) and he doesn't even MENTION Building 7, freefall speed, molten steel or any of the other HARD EVIDENCE of controlled demolition. Moore is either a coward, an idiot, or a paid shill.

    Popular Mechanics TRIED to dispute Loose Change, but they failed, and they had to lie to do it, and were caught lying and exposed. Just watch the debate between the makers of Loose Change and the Popular Mechanics guys on Democracy Now and judge for yourself.

    Loose Change contains no lies or distortions. It is not "doctored." Sadly, it is the real deal.

    The information is all out there for anyone who wants it.

    This site is particularly good:

    If those of you still desperately clinging to the official story are so sure of yourselves, then I dare you to read this peer-reviewed paper, written by architects and engineers and recently published in an open civil engineering journal. It will clear up a lot of the disinfo and confusion surrounding the truth movement. It cuts through the c**p and outlines the legitimate questions that still need to be answered, and it does so by referencing points that were published in the official NIST report that you debunkers love to quote from...

    ...debunk that.

    And don't give me this tired "insult to the memories of the innocent who died" line... that is a shameless tactic, especially considering more than half of the victims' FAMILY MEMBERS want another investigation and they are being stonewalled or ignored altogether. THAT is the true insult.

  4. My thoughts are that Youtube is a valid source for comedy only.

  5. Oh, I do believe there is a government conspiracy!  It's been so long since I've seen "loose change" and I've forgotten most of it.. I can't answer your question about it.  

    But, I'll tell ya.. any video that causes Americans to think critically of the Government has it's value.  I am a "truther", BUT I do believe the twin towers and the pentagon were all hit by planes!  Some in the "truth movement" believe otherwise... but I'm going with what I think is the most logical!

    Here's a few websites that I believe will help you immensely in your search for truth...   This is one of the best 9/11 truth sites I've come across!  Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth... great website on the science behind the movement.  Another compelling 9/11 website.. check it out!

  6. How long were you in the mental institute?

  7. The official story is certainly a pack of lies, with so many holes in, it is embarrassing.

    The assumption of the powers that be is that the majority of the population are gullible simpletons, and it seems that's a fair guess.

    Now that you have been set thinking about it, I am sure that you will reach your own, very uncomfortable conclusions.

    Best wishes to you.

  8. i agree it was an inside job by the government but do not know the true story

  9. My thoughts are that these type of DOCTORED VIDEOS do nothing but insult the memory of the innocent who lost their lives and heros that died in the resuce attempt to save others....

    My thoughts....were I able to get my hands on one of the producers of this ....I would willingly go to jail for assualt or worse....IF,,, you could find 12 people to convict me..which I doubt

  10. I'm going to echo what Penn Jillette said on his show: Is it not a big enough conspiracy that men hijacked four of our airplanes and crashed them into our buildings?

    Seriously. 9/11 conspiracy theorists are just glamorized paranoids. Do yourself a favor and forget about Loose Change. It's a miserable way to spend your time on youtube. It's full of inaccuracies and illogical arguments. I love how people will moan about how steel could never melt at those temperatures, like what, they just dug up a steel formation of the towers? Steel melts, people, that's how it works.

    Look up Bo Burnham and have a laugh instead.

  11. I think if you are smart and whoever made this is, you can spin or twist anything any way you want to. I mean just think, the US has never been to the moon, right? All a hoax, right? And the whole Iraq thing is a hoax to, right? and Afghanistan too? Lets face our government does not tell us everything that is happening. I remember a story on TV a long time ago about a little girl who fell in a well. the whole world watched as they tried to free her. Right then i know the media was to powerful. All I know is we were attacked on 9/11 and people died. 4000 us soldiers have died in Iraq and my son a US Marine is going to Afghanistan soon. Bottom line is I don't care if it was a conspiracy. Just make it all stop.

  12. This film has been disputed over and over again! Like Michael Moores movies its full of lies and distortions.

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