
911 & The Democrats. If the Democrats have chance to write history...;?

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Do you think they will even mention the events of 9/11/01? They act like it never happened. Or had any effect on the events since then. What do you think?




  1. The Dems actually think we orchestrated the whole thing! If they remember to say anything about it, it will just be more finger pointing to the wrong people responsible. Thank God for Palin and McCaine!

  2. We Democrats will never forget 9-11, because we know for a fact the Neocons, planned it, worked it, and allowed it. It's only a matter of time before some scum bag spills his guts for the right amount of coin! I can only hope to be alive to witness the day when "W", will  be brought before the court, kicking and screaming like the little ***** he is, and rats on the others! It will be a great day for Democracy, if it still exists.

  3. you are insulting people who died in 911. Most of the families did not agree withthe way Bush has handled things & voted against him. So your one sided view while typical of a republican is very hurtful to those who have been really hurt by this reality.

  4. 9/11 was a joint CIA/Mossad false flag operation for Israel.

    Cui Bono on 9/11?  Israel & zionism.

  5. Even one example of how Democrats "act like it never happened" would help.  Got any?

    The tragic events of 9-11 are a defining moment in our Nation's history.  No one denies that it happened.  And our Nation's response to 9-11 has had profound impact around the world.  No one denies that either.

    So what are you asking about?

  6. It surprises me to see that people actually think that president Bush and so called 'neocons" had something to do with 9-11. only on some hokey TV movie could something like that be planned and carried out. Of course reality is something people with BDS have a shaky grasp on.

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