
911 The official story is unquestionably untrue, please prove me wrong?

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Take as given:

The collapse of the Twin Towers, and WT7 was extraordinary, and worthy of acedemic research, and explanation.

There are no peer reviewed acedemic papers that justify the official government / NIST explanation.

The main supporter of the official theory is Popular Mechanics, and that theory is based on blatant false premises.

If someone came up with an explanation that supported the gov story, they would become rich beyond their dreams, and be dripping with Nobel prizes, for peace, physics, they could name their price.

Proof conclusive?

Any pro government story supporters who can do it without resorting to abuse are to be praised,




  1. I don't think anyone can prove you wrong if someone can I'm sure they wouldn't be here. We all know the Gov. story is a fake

  2. YOU explain to me:

    when the Watergate scandal the media and the Democrats forced Richard Nixon to resign even when no one died due to the scandal,

    WHY and HOW the media and the Democrats,

    even on an election year, are so quiet about

    the "conspiracy" on 9/11,...*IF* there's so much *truthful evidence" to prove it,.....

    Explain those SEVEN (7) YEARS of silence, UNLESS the media and the Democrats are part of the conspiracy and, IN THAT CASE, the whole government is on it.........

  3. Why don't you go to NY and see for yourself?

  4. I disagree.

    911 The official story is unquestionably TRUE, please prove me wrong.

    (Your turn)

  5. sorry you are right, deal with it

  6. you should be slapped

  7. Considering you are dealing with the government... even if there was an "answer" we would never know.  Let it go.....

  8. Oh please you people need to get a life.

    d**k Cheney does NOT have a Magic Button in his office that controls the weather and directs Hurricanes at black communities.

    George Bush did not issue a secret directive to take down the Twin Towers so he'd have an excuse to go into Iraq.

    Israel did not evacuate people from the towers before they collapsed and have Mossad operatives setting up cameras on a Hoboken rooftop before it collapsed.

    And the CIA did not make up a character called Osama Bin Laden and hire a bunch of guys to pretend to be terrorists who died in airplanes, and really they are retired in style on a secret tropical island run by the Trilateral Commission.

    Seriously, it was a big mistake for all the asylums to let people out in the 70's.  Now everyone who's a loon thinks they have discovered some secret plot.

    I liked it when Howard Stern featured an old woman named Croix and she claimed that Ronald Reeeeegan stole her architecturals for nuclear reclamation in the North Pole.  Maybe you need to call Howard Stern and let him know about your theories too.

  9. So all the cell phone calls from the various flights were all a hoax?   BTW, fire does melt steel, how do you think iron is refined?  

    But, alas, there is no proof.  You want proof stick to mathematics.  There is tons of confirming evidence, but I think you may have a too intolerant faith to follow the evidence.

  10. There is plenty of scientific and engineering support for the Govt explanation of the collapse, you just want a Govt conspiracy.

  11. not this bullshit again *sigh* i cant answer this unbelievable stupid question

  12. Its all OK, the aliens will show themselves soon and 9/11 will just be a fond memory of the good old times.....

  13. Hmm well, I am rather agnostic on this issue, Both the official Theory, is a conspiracy and, the other theories are conspiracies . (Look up the word if you need to) So I believe no one.. But i have many questions.. And many of them will never be answered. So do I trust this government on what really happened that day? No. Only a fool trusts his government blindly and one could argue trusts it period.  Though here is a funny video clip of a Bush Lie when he said he saw the First Plane hit .. Which was impossible, that wasnt shown until the next day.

    To close "A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them."

  14. Who cares? Anyone with half a brain cell knows the whole thing is questionable, instead of trying to prove it to idiots, do something about it. Try to stop other things like this from happening somehow.

    Edit - Anyone who tries to prove it wrong scientifically is an idiot. The towers did collapse, there was people in it, and a plane did crash into them. However, there was a third tower that collapsed that has no explanation, and nothing was flown into it. There was also a drill going on at the exact same time, with the exact same situation.

    There's a lot of questionable things about it, look into it and don't just take the 'official' word for it cause some things are missed out. It IS questionable, but that doesn't mean everything about it was fake.

  15. 911 is the official emergency number used by united states citizens when they have an emergency.

    9/11 is a date of infamy.

    is it perhaps that the official explanation is the only explanation?  do you have proof that people were prevented from seeing the steel before or after officials had their look?  and what do academic papers have to do with this... who reads these things anyways?

  16. lolz

  17. Please stop, take your meds and call your doctor.  

    It will all be ok in the morning.  

    You guys are the first to say - Have you seen how the government does things?  I have seen no evidence that has shown me the government can plan that far in advance and get its stuff together to plan anything of that magnitude.  They couldn't even evacuate the city of New Orleans with 4 days notice.  Simple enough.

  18. if you hate the governments explanation that bad, look at the independent studies that agree with the government. instead of asking that question look it up on google

  19. You're an alien from the planet bloxor. Please prove me wrong?

  20. Elvis is still alive....!!!!

  21. You foil hat is rusting. You need to make a new one.

  22. Yawn....

  23. no one can ever prove it

    our government is pretty ****** up, but anyone who thinks their intentionally killing U.S. citizens is just a moron

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