
911 dispatcher/ operators out there??

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Just got hired. Please let me know what i am in for? Stress? breaks? calls?

also how do you like it? :) excited....




  1. Stress..

  2. There is no denying that you will experience some stress. Especially since you just started and are most likely in training.

    I am guessing that you have lots of codes, policies, procedures, geography and techniques to learn, be tested on and have to demonstrate proficiency in.

    Don't let your daily or weekly evaluations stress you out. It is a tool to help measure your progress and hopefully for you to learn from. Your trainer(s) are hopefully treating you with respect and trying to maintain a positive learning environment for you.

    As far as breaks are concerned every dispatch center is a little different. Where I work there are no scheduled breaks but we are also a smaller center, we take them when we need to. If you feel you need a break don't be afraid to speak up. If you take too many breaks be prepared to be asked about it by your trainer/supervisor.

    As far as calls are concerned, depending in what kind of center you work in be prepared for anything. I've had my share of sad, dumb, funny, strange, routine and horrific. You will certainly get your share. It would take too long to elaborate in this fourm. Trust your trainer and don't be afraid to ask your trainer and fellow dispatchers about thier experiences.

    I have been doing this for 11 years in California. It has it's highs and lows. The rewarding aspects for me are things like finding that one piece of information no else finds that turns a situation to your favor and to the favor of that officer out on the street.

    Training new dispatchers is very rewarding when you see your novice begin to do tasks without any input from you and do them better than you.

    Getting involved in special projects that take you outside the dispatch center. I am on my agency's Tactical Dispatch Team, an assignment where I may get called out from home to run communications at a Command Post during a SWAT incident.

    I am also in charge of maintaining our Communications Vehicle, and training dispatchers and volunteers to deploy said vehicle.

    This can be a thankless job. You have to find your own way of patting yourself on the back when you know you have done a good job. Cherish those rare moments when a citizen, officer or colleague says "Thank You".

    The best advice I can give you is to not be afraid of making mistakes and more importantly, learning from them.

    I wish you well in your new career.

  3. You are in for a lot of 911 calls. And if you are excited now wait until you get some exciting 911 calls.

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