
911 ?

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why is 9/11 the same as 911 the usa phone number for the police i know it happen on September 11 but was that on was that an accident or something much more




  1. There's a lot of websites that discuss the odd coincidences associated with the numbers 911 in relation to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The below site has a few odd and interesting ones. Kinda creepy, if the terrorists really put that much thought into it.

  2. Two great defeats of Muslims by Christian armies took place on September 11th:

    Battle of Vienna 9/11/1683

    Battle of Zenta: 9/11/1697

    Radical Muslims like Osama Bin Laden remember these dates as humiliating defeats that signified the failure of Islam to conquer Europe, and the date could have very well been selected to turn a day of shame into a day of victory for Islam.  

  3. The short answer is numerology.  Notice how the Madrid bombing occurred 911 days after 9/11?  Notice how the London Bombings occurred on 7/7?  Notice how the current conflict between Russia and Georgia occurred on 08/08/08?  Numerology.  Some people believe that certain dates will give them additional power, or ability to successfully complete a task, or goal.  It can be for beneficial, or harmful purposes.

    Now for the longer answer.  9/11 was a false flag attack.  It would take a month to type all of the supporting evidence.  The evidence indicates the Spanish Civil Guard bomb squad was behind the bombing in Madrid.  There is considerable evidence which suggests that the bomb was actually planted under the train and not inside of the train, as was reported.  That's another false flag operation.  The evidence suggests that 7/7 was, yet, another false flag attack.  For God's sake, they were running terror drills in the London Underground, simulating bombings, at some of the very same stations which were bombed.  There is serious evidence that Georgian forces engaged the Russians, prior to the Russian invasion of Georgia.  What does that tell you?  Well, the media in the West does not discuss these things in an open manner.  That suggests that their handlers are the ones using numerology for harmful purposes.

  4. I think it was deliberate.

  5. Ah, one of life's great mysteries, huh?

  6. It does have some symbolic meaning, but not to do with the # for Emergency. Bush Sr. gave his New World Order speech on that date, exactly 10 years prior to the attacks.

    I forget what film I was watching, but they had stated some rituals (like human sacrifice) are carried out on certain dates by those who believe in that stuff...
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