
=\ Do any girls actually play guitar ?

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I'm a young girl who loves to play guitar, but I feel like I'm the only one out there. I really want to get good and put out my songs one day, but somehow I think a girl guitar player wouldnt be that popular.




  1. I'm learning to play the guitar. People think it's weird that I'm a girl in high school who listens to classic rock like AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Boston, Pink Floyd, etc. but I like it and I'm getting better


  2. i play guitar & i love it

    why not be popular? all you need is talent and LOTS of practice

    keep up the good work =]

  3. of course there's girls that actually play guitar! a lot of my friends play guitar. i dont play the actual guitar but i play the bass. i dont know any girls except for me that play the bass too. that would be really cool if you get our songs out one day! you should totally go for it.

  4. I know what you mean...sometimes I feel like I'm the only one too, but we are not. And I think it's great that you want to put you music out there, check out Korey Cooper of SKILLET...she shreds the guitar! There are girl guitar players out there, just not as many as the guys : )

  5. i don't, and i don't know any (personally), but i think its GREAT that you do. Don't quit just to conform... guys think it's hot, and if you're good, you could go far. Don't give up. :]

    ps: i always wanted to play guitar. instead my parents had me take piano. but good luck!

  6. Of course they do, im a guy who plays guitar, and I love it when a girl can play too. i think it's cool.

    and sure there are popular chick guitarists, what about Nancy Wilson of Heart? She was amazing when I saw her live

  7. Yes.There is alot gals that really good. eg. Bonnie Reitt > Rhett

  8. The best female guitarists these days seem to be blues players. Check out Debbie Davies, Susan Tedeschi, and of course Bonnie Raitt.

    There are a few hard rock players (Lita Ford comes to mind), but I'll tell you this: a young woman who could really, really play lead guitar could have the world eating out of her hand. Properly marketed, she would be HUGE!

  9. Obviously you have never heard of 'Heart' or 'Tracy Chapman'

  10. Oh you have A LOT to learn...there are some AMAZING women guitar players out there.  Here are some of the best female players out there today...

    Mimi Fox

    Kaki King

    Bonnie Raitt

    Nancy Wilson

    Ani DiFranco

  11. MANY girls play guitar. Don't get discouraged. Do what you love to do. There's Aly and AJ, Michelle Branch, Taylor Swift--many of them. Keep playing guitar. I've always wanted to learn too =/

  12. Of course you're not the only one! I played guitar a long time ago but now that I've gotten into classic rock/rock n' roll I've decided to pick it up again. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you won't be that popular. Play the best you can and people will listen. Trust me.  

  13. Yeah, a ton.

    I do.

  14. wow i see girls playing guitar all the time, i have a couple of friends that play guitar and they are GIRLS so yeah there is

  15. i do! but there should be more ;)

  16. i do, but i'm not good at all

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