
\anyone come up with flood proof houses yet, up to say three to five feet of water?

by  |  earlier

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what is the latest in development and on the market product, and the tsunami anything new with the tsunami proof houses???? any and all comments welcome,




  1. in holland they have houses that float

  2. QUOTE "any and all comments welcome," UNQUOTE

    ANSWER 1  >>>  A boat.

    ANSWER 2 >>>  Do not build anywhere near the coast or anywhere near a flood zone or potential flood zone.  ( no excuses or reasons acceptable >>> COMMON SENSE.)


  3. could be built on stilts

  4. In my home town of Sacramento, California, if you know where to look in the older parts of town you will notice the front door is on the second story.  The first story was originally for rough storage, since you could plan on it being underwater every winter almost.   Dams and levees have changed that, but the homes remain.  But tsunamis are different.  That is not just the water rising, it is the water coming right at you at speed.

  5. Go to the Mississippi River basin. You will see the technology. Or the gulf coast. The houses are on stilts. Like 15 feet above ground.

  6. in holland they have a solution there it may work for you if you can get details from someone in holland. They have built houses that when the tide comes in or floods the house lifts up a couple of meters from the base of the house and when the water goes down the house goes back to where it should be.

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