
\im South Afircan, Im currently in the UK, I was wondering how can I extend my working holiday visa to stay UK

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I still have 10 months left on my visa what can I do?




  1. I've just extended by boyfriend's ancestral visa (saffa living in UK) and found everything we needed to know on:

  2. I've heard that its quite tough for South Africans. You really have two options and that pretty much depends on whether you want to stay in the UK forever. If yes, I would really suggest seing a lawyer, at least for a consultation. If you can't afford it, then you have to go to Home Office. They are the ones who decide whether to give you a visa or not. Basically, you have to go there and consult with them. Then you have to apply for a visa, also through the Home Office. Go to this website -  it will give you the contact details and everything you need to know about immigration.

    If you just want to extend your visa, then a quick trip to the Home Office will do the trick. It is never a problem to extend your visa by a reasonably short amount of time. Good luck!

  3. Cant you just apply for a residence permit..?

  4. I'm afraid the only option now is to get onto a student visa unless you have a degree and a sponsor or you are highly skilled. The best people to email are the, they really help you out allot and answer any questions within a day or so.

    The best college to go to is Blake Hall college in Canada Water. I'm on a student visa and have been with them for a while now, I've tried a few others, but although they have their problems they are the best by far.

    Ek hoop alles werk vir jou uit, die beste ding om te doen is net alles gereed te kry. Jy moet so £3000 in jou bank he om te wys dat jy self sufficient is en dit moet daar wees vir so 5 of 6 maande, en begin om al jou proof of address en sulke goed gereed te kry.

    Good Luck

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