
96 chrysler lhs overheating, radiator fans not working, only works when i turn on the a/c.?

by  |  earlier

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i just replaced the coolant temperature sensor, low & hi fan relays, i checked all the fuses, i jumpered both fans from the battery & both are working.




  1. Your probably replaced the wrong coolant temp. sensor. Try the other one.

  2. odd.. could be another bad sensor or the wrong one.. it is fairly common to get bad sensors these days.. you may have just purchased a dud.. so go back and get another sensor and try that.. in a sense it may even be the engine computer not turning the fan on due to a falty computer (not common) but any way i would just directly connect the fans so that they come on anytime the key is turned on so you dont have to worrry about that anymore...good luck

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