
9th Grade help with a Few girls...?

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Well, Theres a couple girls i kinda know, both are in my homeroom, And a few other classes, Ones really sweet, funny, prettt, and not very shy, She looks back at me while in class and just looks for a few seconds, then looks away, The other girl, is Nice, Again sweet, and Pretty, She seems kinda shy, But i Dunno what to do, Because there both nice, I'll probably ask one of them to join Cross country running to get to know them better, Would that be a good idea?

Any tips overall? :)




  1. yea if they are into running. just ask them to go to the movies or something and if she seems kinda hessitant at first tell her just as friends to get to know her better and then after that ask her out on a date. you'll see if you should just be friends or boyfriend and girlfriend. or you can just take a stabb at it and ask her out.

  2. i would get there msn address's or something and add them and get to know them a bit better before picking the girl you want, cause you dont wana blow one of to discover the one you picked is a b*tch lol

    good luck

  3. good idea! definitely a good way to get to know somebody. good luck! :)

    answer mine pretty pleseeee.;...

  4. awe how sweet :)

    get to know them both a little better before making a move. choosing now, may cause you to rrgret picking one or the another in the long run..

    good luck.


  5. What if they're not athletic? Just talk to them in the halls and classes and you may only end up liking one of them.  As long as you are not exclusive, you can get to know both of them by calling them and going on dates.

  6. I think you should go out with one of them first and if you to break up then if ya'll break up you can go out with the other one but don't tell that many loud mouth people because then the other chick might not think that you like her so try to kinda keep the relationship a secret

  7. How Sweet!!

    Maybe you should introduce urself, make it known that your a nice guy they can tlk to, start tlking 2 them both, find out which one u could get along w/ and go from there, when u do ask one of them be confident not cockey or arrogant and rally urge them 2 join w/ u


  8. aww that's so sweet! Highschool crushes :) Yes they would like that go for it!  

  9. Yes that's an awesome idea.  But wait a couple of weeks to see which one is really nice for sure.  You don't want to pick the wrong girl, and wind up with a little snot do you?  lol Then what?  Wait as long as the track team situation will allow at least then maybe even invite both lol  Your not inviting them to a wedding, just a great extra curricular activity.  What do any of you have to lose?  Good luck!!

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