
9th Grade sports: I failed to get in the team :(

by  |  earlier

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So i tried out for basketball and soccer but unfortunately i was denied admission to the team due to intense competition. Will it hurt my chances of going into a good college? Can i play team sports in 10th grade?

Otherwise, i am a Straight A student taking the Honors Level Courses, im planning to join some clubs and get a job related to my interests. what things can i use to fill up the void that is sports?





  1. let me just tell you this SPORTS AREN'T EVERYTHING!! Some people think they are the best for being on a sports team and being the number one star but when you get out into the real world they will more than likely not have anything to do with sports. So i would not worry about making it onto a sports team just work on the grades and you will get into college. Use your time to study to get better grades to get into a better college.

  2. Not everybody has to be a superior athlete just to get into a college. Maybe you should focus on any other talents you have -- music, art, working a job, community service, etc. However, if you're really interested in basketball or soccer, try to improve before tryouts next year. Just because you didn't make the team in 9th grade doesn't mean you can't get better and make it for 10th grade.

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