Pls help with advise and serious answers only.
I have a 9yr old daughter who has not been spoilt, but in the last couple of weeks has become more and more nasty to me. We were on holiday last week and when ever things didnt go her way or we did something for myself or my partner (her dad) if she didnt want to do it all h**l let lose.
This week including today I have had a torrent of abuse thrown at me including the fact she wants me to go, drop deid with cancer which as you can imagine hurt me so much. this throw of agression was because I told her off coz her bedroom was a pigsty. She always says sorry afterwards which doeasnt help as I tell her thats such an easy word to say. I just want her to show how sorry she is by changing as I want my daughter back . She also threatened to cut herself if I didnt unlock the front door for her to run away, obviously I didnt do as she said and she didnt follow thru with her threat either.
Im at me wits end.