
A 10 year old started a fight with my daughter and when she tried to walk away the girl hit her?

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My daughter hit her back and i'm being told that she got the better of the other little girl but still i'm wondering what I should do, if anything? If anyone has any advice to offer at all, i'm truely grateful.

They are both 10

I really want to call childrens services or do something very evil but then again I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP




  1. If you aren't willing to involve the authorities, then it's not important to do anything, but to teach the child how to fight back, I guess.

    The way you react to this, is how your chld will react the rest of their lives.

    Are you teaching them to just gripe about things, and make no effectual changes?

  2. well you could file a report at the school, and also talk to the police for some advice, ive gotten into fights, where the other girl has hit me, but i never hit back, cause my school system will suspend both of us if i decide to retaliate, sucks right, well i think you should just report it, it might end being good for both you and your daughter, because you shouldnt have to worry about your daughters safety in school, school is supposed to be a safe place

  3. what did her parents say? I think that both parties should sit down and talk about this and how they both feel about it. and if it happens again, you will definitely take legal action.

  4. ok try talking to that duaghter and also tell your daughter to keep away from that girl

    dose the other girl have a dad if so talk to him about it


    watch 'the sitter' and do as the she does (the sitter that is)

  6. talk to the girls mom. if shes smart she'll give a d**n. ur daughter did the right thing smacking that bytch.

  7. childrens services wont' do anything about your daughter being hit by a peer... I would call her mother and talk to the mother, don't place blame anywhere, say something like "So I hear that our daughters were in a fight. I'm not worried about who started it or why, who threw the first punch or who won. What I am worried about is resolving this so that it doesn't happen again" or something similar. Who knows, maybe the other mom wants to resolve it as much as you do, ya know? Good luck.

  8. wow wow wow.that girl may have been traumatized by her mother and just bullies other kids because she cant bully her can get a restraining order too.

  9. your daughter defended herself physically, but most children don't just start hitting.  often a conversation leads to this type of behavior.  inform your child that this will not be tolerated and have her apologize to the other child.

  10. Okay, if the girl hit your daughter first, your child had the RIGHT TO HIT HER BACK. THAT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE!!!! If you have already confronted the mother about it and she is like "Blah- daughter didnt do anything!!" and so on, you should actually call the police and talk to a police officer. THe other mother can disrpespect the police man, but she could get into lots of trouble. Trust me, I am the kind of girl who If I had a daughter, I'd do something evil as well. Remember, though, if she is a crack head, make sure to lock ur doors, close yuor windows, cuz if u call CPS (child protective services) she is liekly to come and threaten you some how. Be wise on your choices. I hope this helps.

  11. who cares take a brush and tan her butt

  12. Wow...that's terrible....I would want to do the same thing if anyone did that to my baby girl...

    However, there are always two sides to a story and being that they are 10 untruths will be told if they think they will get into trouble...did anyone see the altercation? Did this happen at school? I think the best thing to do would be to contact the other parents and have a sit down with them and the two girls to rectify the one has the right to put their hands on another person...and bullying should not be tolerated...good luck...:)

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