
A 12 year old weight?

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Is 134lbs. to heavy for a 12 year old and 5ft. 4in a girl

If it is what are some ways to exercise easily

and fast ways to loose weight

i play volleyball and we run 4 laps around the gym before each practice

and like if you look at me you wouldn't even think I weigh that much. i think all my weight is in my thighs so what are some ways to loose weight at my thigh area.

i feel self concious some times hanging out with my friend that models and is older then me




  1. hey

    feel free to lose weight.  you're definitely not overweight, and possibly average.  the thing about average weight tho is it's like grades.  A C is average.  If you got all C's, your mom would probably kill you.  Ok so I don't know you but you get my point.  i'm sure youre pretty and if you feel comfortable with who you are, no one else is going to give a carrot how much you weigh, because you're so close to normal if not normal.  I would work on toning sections (like your legs) rather than running and cardio and trying to lose weight all over.  If you excercise all over chances are you'll lose a ton of weight in every place EXCEPT your legs lol.  I'm 14, 5'6 and 116.  I would consider myself acerage but I have extra weight on my tummy and my legs are two skinny.  The worst of both worlds right??  Don't feel bad, everyone has something about their body they dislike.  At 12, this time would be optimum to lose weight considering it would boost your confidence, help you feel more comfortable in PE and with the sports try outs, and you have a high metabolism.  Especially if you havent hit puberty you want to lose it now because if you will and when you do, youll gain a whole lot more.


  2. squatts, running high knees, any aerobics helps too! good luck =]

  3. Diet tips

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  4. you may feel fat but the wieght in your legs is muscule . i do tae kwon do and field hockey and if your really doing good exercise you won't be able to lose weight on your legs because there is probably no fat to lose. don't worry about it im sure you look fine.
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