
A 13 yr old girls mother passed away but she has a father she doesn't like what can i do to take her in

by  |  earlier

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i've lived across the street for 6 yrs katie has become a very big part of my family she stays over our house with my two daughters at least 3 nights a week her mother passed away very very suddenly had a reaction to the die used for a cat scan her father has not been a part of her life for a long time katie does not like her father at all i don't know all the circumstances but he is never in her life she didn't even call him on fathers day but made me a hand made card. her mom passed away on friday 8/8 yesterday katie waited for me to get home got in at 11 katie came over to my house to ask me for a hug i just held for about 10 min telling her it was ok that made me feel like as big of a part of katies life as she has become with my family. i am married and my wife tracey shares all these feelings about this poor little girl Katie is more than welcome into my family. what can i do to make this happen tracey and i are willing to do whatever we have to do to help katie out. she also has a grandmother that she says she does not want to live with either. please let me know any options available to help Katie become a real family member




  1. You need legal advise here. You also need to find out whether the father and grand have any objections to your adopting her.

    If they don't, then go for it -- or get a guardianship of her, so it's official. I'm assume your spouse agrees with you about this. Otherwise, that would have to be step on.

  2. you can go to court for a child custody battle, but chances of a judge awarding custody to you instead of the childs biological father is almost close to none. If you can come up with some proof that katies father is abusive or neglecting her in anyway than you have a case, or if you have it in writing that katies mother leaves you custody. other than that you would just have to wait til she becomes old enough to were she can legally choose who she lives with. not much you can do at this point, you can talk to katies father asking him to let katie live with you that way he doesn't have the responsiblity of a child. then if he agrees, just get him to sign over his rights to her and adopt her as your own, or have him sign over temporary custody. it is better if you your wife and katie sit down and have this converstation with him. good luck.

  3. I totally understand your dilemma.  Children have that power over our hearts.  There is really only one thing you can do.  Talk to her father about how close she is with your family.  Have her also talk to her father.  See if he will grant temporary custody or managing conservator over her to let her live with you.  Other than that, there really is not much you can do.  If he does not, stay in daily contact with her to help her with the transition.  She needs all the support you can give her even if it is on the phone.

  4. adopt her

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