
A 16-year-old friend was sent to drug rehab and now he's dating a 23-year-old recovering crystal-meth addict.?

by  |  earlier

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My friend was sent to foster care for 3 months since he is addicted to weed and does some coke. He's apparently not allowed to call or see me for 3 whole months. I've always been drug-free.

Now he e-mails me saying that he's dating this new guy who is a crystal-meth addict (recovering).

So much for our relationship?

I'm upset because I was waiting to restart our relationship once he gets out of foster care; however, now it appears he's forgotten about me and fell for someone else he identifies with better.

Do you think his new relationship will last long...




  1. It's common for the inmates to hook up.

    Will it last?


    A big maybe.

    But not likely.

  2. It is quite common for relationships to end when one of the partners stop a drug or alcohol habit.

    Most reputable recovering programs and centres advise you not to start a new relationship when you are still clean for a very short time; but I have to agree with the previous poster that it is fairly common for patients to 'hook up', in spite of rules prohibiting this.

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