
A 19 year old is running for mayor. What do you think about that?

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No educational or experience level required

3 teenagers have already won




  1. Its been done many many times.  Great! we need young thinkers in office

  2. if youre qualified & yer hearts in the right place, do it. theres always personal gain in every government position,  its inherant. can you weild power toward whats best for the community without abusing it?

  3. Good for you.  I hope that even if you do not win you show other young people they can participate in government.

  4. Excellent

  5. I would think you should be at least 21.  You can't even sign a contract until then, can you?

  6. I believe it can work well. The only problem is the old guys who keep trying to take potshots at boy/girl mayors. Pittsburgh has a 27-year-old mayor, and the machine has been kicking at him for the past few months. But it is an election year.

  7. I think it's amazing that people that young have such a strong interest in politics and their community.

  8. well would you rather have it like we do in my town with an old guy running and like a billion senior developments going up or have a new younger mayor that would finally build the school we were supposed to be building for the last 4 years but the current mayor doesnt want it....

  9. Go for it, that is bold statement just think if you keep this up by the time your 35 you can run for President.

  10. Back in the early 80's there was a town named Buckingham that has since been swallowed up by another suburb of Dallas.  The mayor there was only 19 or so when he was elected.  He served 2 or 3 terms, too, I believe.  On a side note, he was also kind of a partier.

  11. I wouldn't vote for them. Not enough life experience to hold so much responsibility.

  12. Does he sound like he can do the job?

  13. sure. it's great to see youths come out and run for politics.

  14. why not youth stupidity can't be any worse than older con-artists ----- oops i mean candidates

  15. There are no educational or experience level requirements for US President either.

    Get over yourself.

  16. I think it's terrific! A 19 year old is less likely to take advantage of others as an aged old politician.

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