
A 2 and a half year old ate cat food!!??

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My boyfriend's little boy, he's 3 in aug, ate cat food this morning. we only found out bout an hour ago.

Thing is this morning before i left for work, around 8ish there was yellow stains all over his bed, i asked him what it was because it didnt smell of anything and he told me that it was sick and just kept ssaying sorry because he thought he was in trouble, he's never been sick before and was trying to hide it.

Hs daddy gave him lots of fluids and some dry toast and he's kept it down but it baffled us cos he didnt have a temperature and was acting like normal and he eats exactly the same as us so we didnt know why. When iwent home for lunch i asked him if he had eaten any thing other than toast and he said cat food. He kept saying its not wyatts food its the cats food. Anyway he's ok now but i just wanted to make sure this was 1. normal and 2. that he's going to be ok.

He seems to be perfectly fine apart from the sick part.

Thanks in advance




  1. he'll be fine. I ate cat food once when i was little and nothing happened, as a matter of fact, my dad dared me to. hahah.  It's all have nothing to worry about.

  2. All cat food and dog food has to be consumable by humans, its some sort od domestic animal food law, i saw it on a documentart and they actually have human tasters. its probably the richness and oils in the cat food that upset his little tummy. my mates dad microwaved a tin of chunky and ate it thinking his wife had left it for his dinner, thruth was she hadnt put the dog food on the floor. he was fine apart from the extended mickey taking.

  3. Yummy.

    Normal: for a toddler, yes.  And yes he will be ok.

    Cat food is completely edible. Not recommended for people b/c it's made with lower quality food products. Also, cat food has a lot of red and yellow dye (depending on the brand)...which makes it appealing to consumers, but isn't always digested and can appear in poo, vomit, and urine. Which would explain the color found in his bed.

    However, a LOT of homeless ppl eat cat food and they're still alive....

    LOL!  The child will be fine.  Just put away the cat food going forward.

    This is not as bad as one lady telling me her kid ate used cat litter. Yucks

  4. he'l be fine!!

  5. he will be fine - cat food is made from the very same animals that provided the meat for things like sausages, pies and loads of other food that humans consume. The only difference being that into a tin of cat food goes all the other bits of the animal that a human would not want to eat (i will leave what bits to you imagination). The animal is butchered then the meat that humans like to consume go off to the factory's where they will be made up into whatever its going to be and the other stuff is shipped of to the cat food factory where they are used to make cat food - they conditions are clean, however not as clean and stringent as factory's where they prepare  human food. He will be fine - no harm will come to him.

  6. Haha - sounds very normal for any curious toddler.  Please don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine.  It'll have passed through most of his system by now anyway.

  7. um he will be fine.. tell you the truth my sister and i would get new cat food and we would eat some before giving it to our cats and we turned out fine.. oh and we use to have horses and we use to eat there feed a little too. and we use to eat grass like a horse lol he will be fine.. some of the cat food is really good.

  8. lol my sis used to do it all the time when she was younger she was fine just need to keep an eye on him and the catfood.

  9. What youll want to watch for is if starts asking for a litter box and a ball with a bell in it.

    Otherwise, he should be fine. Cat food isnt poisonous, for Gods sake, people. Its just refined ash, protein, and fish/pork/chicken byproducts.

  10. He's fine. Sure he might have thrown up and i would expect that! Cat food (and dog food) is harmless to humans and i think the worst it can do is give him a stomach ache and make him throw up.

    I once watched a program where they cut down on the amount of money they spent as a household and they had their 9 and 11 year olds eating dog food for dinner on a lot of nights. (yes...really!)

    Also, at two/three most children will experiment with what they eat.

    i think i was older but i remember eating grass once to find out what it tastes like, which, i thinbk is probably more harmful that cat food. Most people do silly things like that when theyre little. I know that my friend did that too when she was little.

    Oh and you might want to let him know that eating cat food may not be the best thing to be doing because CAT food is for cats ; ]

    Good luck with your son (and tell him i said happy birthday for in august)

  11. theres nothing wrong with eating cat food, i think he was just sick because of the taste. because believe me its not the nicest in the world

  12. I am sure he will be fine...

    But I would call Poison Control just to be sure.  They will ask you the ingredients of the food, and give you advice.

    800-222-1222 or you can look up your state's Poison Control.

  13. im sure its perfectly safe, just not very nice! and by the sounds of it hes thrown most of it up now anyway! but just to be on the safe side i would call ur doctor for their opinion. also maybe check the tin and see if it has any warning signs about human consumption. but i am quite positive its safe

  14. I don't think it'll do him any damage but it must have tasted disgusting. If pet food were harmful to humans surely there would be warnings on the labelling. Anyway, isn't pet food tasted by humans, blimey, what a way to earn a living - or maybe that's one of those urban myths.

  15. I would call the pediatrician.

  16. Cat food yummy..!... what a meal it up with hungry zeal...

    once a week... but never more

    or start growing tail and paw...!!

  17. Sounds like any curious toddler to me - most kids that age like to try things they find out by putting them in the mouth.

    He should be fine, just keep an eye on him for the rest of the day, and make sure he can keep food down.

  18. It just tastes gross, ther eis nothing in it that will harm him or need you to call poison control/ER.

    It is normal, I think every human in the western/developed world has tried cat or dog food at some point in their life. I have not met a single person that has never tried it-either on a dare, curious or as a child and I lived on a NATO base. people from Germany, Italy, UK, USA, Norway they all tried it at some point haha

  19. aww hes alright. i used to eat catfood all the time! my sis even ate a cockroach once cause she thought it was chocolate. he has laened his lesson and chances are, he probably wont eat anymore catfood

  20. totally normal.  My 15 month old has a fondness for dog food!  YUCK!  I've caught her eating it twice in the past few months.  She hasn't actually swallowed any, I've been able to pull it out of her mouth in time.  He will be okay, throwing up is good it wil get it out of his system.  

    Nothing worse than dogfood breath on a baby!  HA hA!!

  21. Call 800-222-1222

  22. While I can't imagine that it tasted good, I doubt there would be any harm for him to have eaten the cat food.

    If he has any food allergies, do keep an eye on him for the next few hours.

    You can call the pediatrician to double-check if you want, but I bet he'll be just fine.

  23. yes im sure he`ll be fine , its just like us gobbling something down that we thought tasted nice maybe? but then we was sick because our stomaches didnt agree or the slight acid in catfood was fighting with his stomache acids and his health made the sick come out , . :)

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