
A'Levels achieveing record passes AGAIN!?

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Congratulations to all who have passed.

However, Is it true they are getting easier and easier? In my day you sat the exam and that was that. No continual assessment etc. A grades were few and far between.




  1. I've just taken my GCSE's and personally I am scared to take A levels. They are hard, and any adult who has the nerve to say that to me gets what they deserve! Couldn't it just be that people are working harder? Or people are clever? Nope of course not!!

    Thanks for actually trying to figure it out for yourself :)!

  2. These "getting easier" comments are incredibly depressing to this who don't get straight A grades. The wingers never seem to think about that.

    Every year we get the same old stuff being trotted out. You can set your calendar by them:

    Each Spring - "why do we have to change our clocks forward?", "the Chancellor has increased taxes in the budget".

    Each Summer - "are A levels getting easier?", "let's have a hosepipe ban (while your BBQ has been rained off)"

    Each Autumn - "why must we change our clocks back?", "let's ban Guy Fawkes celebrations", etc., etc.

    Each Winter - "council XXXX have banned Christmas Lights because it'll offend some 'minority' or other"

    Every year we get these same things - as reliably as death and taxes. Let's give it a rest... Please.

  3. school is a joke these days i barely went to high school and i graduated with honors.

  4. As an old teacher who taught A level for over 30 years I do not think the exams are getting easier. What I saw happening from about 1980 onwards was a greater number of youngsters staying on at school to do A levels with a smaller increase in the number of university places. This inevitably meant more competition for places and so the required grades went up and up and the youngsters worked harder and harder. It is now rare to find a sixth-former leading the kind of life that I, and I suspect you, was able to lead because they just work too d*** hard!

  5. in a way yes they are getting easier. each year in most subjects and boards the percentage of people who must achieve each grade increases (eg 12% of everyone who takes maths must be graded a etc).

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