
A 5.0g pellet is placed on the barrel of a toy gun and is propelled by a spring of force constant 50N/m that?

by Guest31832  |  earlier

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has been compressed 20cm and then released. Calculate the maximum velocity of the pellet when shot horizontally.

The answer is 20m/s, but I don't know why I keep calculating it wrong. This is what I did:

m = 0.005

Fs = 50N/m

L = 20cm

trying to solve for v.

i used the formula k = 1/2mv^2

and I tried to solve for v like that but I got 141.42.

Can somebody please explain to me what I'm doing wrong, and how to get 20m/s? Thank you.




  1. When the spring is compressed, it builds up potential energy. Upon release, the energy stored is transferred to the bullet as kinetic energy. Using that, solve for the velocity.

    U = KE

    ½kx² = ½mv²

    v = (kx² / m)^(1/2)

    = ((50 N/m x (0.2 m)²) / 0.005 kg)^(1/2)

    = (400 m²/s²)^(1/2)

    = 20 m/s

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