
A 5 min drive will translate to how many minutes walking the same distance?

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My vehicle recently got taken by my soon to be ex wife. My drive to work usually takes me about 5-10 mins. If I was to walk the same distance how long will the walk be. Is there any way I can calculate this before attempting the walk?





  1. At least 30 minutes if you're driving about 30 mph in about 10-15 minutes, which is what I estimated when I lived in a city w/ public transit (& I know this because sometimes I walked along the bus route & would beat the bus because it took so d**n long & I didn't wanna pay for a cab).  I would guess prolly closer to 45 minutes to an hour in your situation... so you should bike or take the bus, if possible.  However, walking in 100 degrees is NOT an option to me, so I'd take the bus if I had to ;-)

  2. Walking can take a loooong time, especially if you're clumsy. You should consider that other people out there may try to trip you- or even push you down to the concrete.

    And when you do fall, you have to consider recovery time. If you land the wrong way, you could be in pain for a long time....and if you break an arm or leg, an ambulance might come take you away and prevent you from reaching your destination.

  3. In a crowded city, probably 4 minutes. You would be able to go faster on a bike than walking, you could cover that distance in 20 min. just going 15 mph.

  4. average human walks 1 mile in 20 minutes calculate that in miles

  5. If your 5-10 minute commute is at 60mph, then you live in the sticks.  No car = death.  Get one, or move.

    Most people walk at around 3 mph.

  6. Do you include starting off , lights , other traffic -

    If you mean 5 miles or so , then about  21/2 hours

  7. how fast were you driving?

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