
A Abortion Question?

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do you think that abortion should be illegal?

me yes and no..

Yes because if your get raped, would u let a rapist baby grow inside of you.

No, because if it was an accident you should take the consequences

any opinions?




  1. I agree with what you said, you should deal with your mistakes but there are some circumstances where it could be justified.

  2. i agree with you  

  3. I think that it's your body you do with it what you want.  

    Also, I totally support Human Population so I think it should be legalized.  I hold firmly on this, and I'm probably one out of thousands of people who think this.  

    Legalize, it's your RIGHT

  4. I think it should be illegal because that's taking the baby's life away from it.  However, it depends on the situation like if a girl got raped and got pregnant.

  5. I have the exact same views as you do, actually :)

    I don't think it should be illegal in the end though.  Although I think it's wrong do to it (unless it was from rape), for some women they think it's their only option.

    It's such a touchy topic!

  6. I agree with you.   Abortion Shouldnt be illegal.   Just because of your reason you pointed out.

  7. Yes. it should be illegal. No matter if you get raped or you just weren't responsible enough you should either take responsibility for what you did or (if you were raped) then you should at least have the baby and put them up for adoption and give the baby a chance to live and enjoy life with a family that will love them and take responsibility. Every child should be able to live, breath, and experience what the world is like.

  8. Yes, it should be illegal. Rape a horrible crime, but a child is a gift from God and should not be killed because of it, you can always give it up for adoption.

  9. I used to be so against abortion when i was at school about 12 years agao however having children myself and thinking more like an adult, i dont think it should be made illegal

    There are so many reasons that people have abortions such as rape or severe diformities of the child however i also agree its wrong for these girls that use it as a contraceptive

    Its a hard one and many opinions and emotions are raised with it!

  10. ... hmm... This is a big issue  ... abortion isnt right but for some they feel they have no choice I ..believ it is the perons choice and they shouldn't be judged

  11. well, women shouldnt be forced to do things with their bodies. so if you arent a pregnant woman in that position, you shouldnt care!

    besides, abortion WAS illegal, but people did it anyway.  

  12. I think it should be legal because I believe it to be a woman's choice. I would personally never get an abortion, but I think it is an individual decision that should be made, not by the government.

  13. No because it's not mine or anyone else's job to tell people how to live their lives or what they can do with their bodies. If you are pro-choice, good for you, if you're pro-life, good for you, just do what's right for you and leave other people alone.

  14. No.  It should not be illegal.  Women will have abortions whether they are legal or not.  There are many valid medical reasons for abortion.  There is rape and incest.  Who cares if you are pregnant by accident?  If you don't want a baby, you don't want a baby and you shouldn't have one.  If you take some antibiotics it makes the bc pill ineffective, so you could be very responsible but still end up pregnant.  Condoms break.  Again, you can be responsible and still end up pregnant.  No one should have to have a baby they don't want.  

  15. I think medical abortion is ok. As for regular abortion as much as I don't want to think of it the way I do I am pro regular abortion too, in light that most parents will have their kids (those who are not allowed abortion) and will raise them in a hateful home (breeding criminals) or will end up neglecting them and killing them anyway. If someone is irresponsible and gets pregnant but wants an abortion they should have to deal with the consequences but not wen the consequences are a poor defenseless child so its better not to have it than give it a life that is not worth living.

  16. Wow,doesn't matter.You have a child growing inside of you that's a miracle and you want to kill it?!

    That's not right,God said"Every child is mine"

    That's MURDER!!!!

    Its not the infants fault!

  17. Bringing a baby into this world is not a consequence and shouldn't be treated as punishment for an unplanned pregnancy.  

  18. I think it should be legal.

    I also think we should not judge, and take it as one of those things that we never know what we would truly do in reality, principals aside, unless an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy actually happened.  

  19. no

  20. NO, not illegal because you could have been raped or have a serious medical problem.  Also, I believe, that it should be the woman's choice, but only for good reason.

    I would not like it to be used for stupidity because you didn't use protection.

  21. well,

    yes because your killing a little life

    no because... well, there are reasons.

  22. its no ones business what a woman decides to do with her body, i personally feel that abortion is wrong only after the first trimester, because thats when the baby has a heartbeat and nervous system, befor that the baby is a lifeless zygote

  23. yes, i think abortion should be illegal.

    because although it could be an accident, it was the parents own fault and if they didn't want a child, why did they take the chance? and it's unfair that they make a selfish descision to MURDER another person for their irresponsible mistakes. I understand that it must be really hard for a women who have been raped and it must be very difficult to come to terms with but what did the innocent child inside her never done anything and doesn't deserve to be killed and as alot of raped women terminate the child because they can't deal with looking after it but there is also other alternatives such as addoption ect.

  24. I think that You can get an abortion if you want to, because most people who have baby's aren't ready for a kid mentally and/or financially

    but if someone doesn't want an abortion, that is there decision.

  25. yes it should be legal. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortions, only endanger the lives of the women. Plus rich women would be able to go out of the country to get an abortion and the poor women will the the ones stuck with illegal, underground, unsafe abortions.

    im pro choice. not just for rape victims, for everyone.
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