
A BAttery That Could Recharge Itself....?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a type of battery that can recharge itself... Like in video games I used to play... my ray gun would loose charging percents and get weaker the longer i held x. But when I let go of x... it recharged. Could a battery be made like this?




  1. If there were, it'd cost a trillion dollars, and also, alternators would not exist.

  2. most common car batteries will regain about 10 % of the charge back in them even if you run them all the way down,but thats about it,theres not none that i know of that will recharge,they have to get an input from another source to charge up fully,the person who ever does invents something like this will become an instant millionaire,good luck.

  3. NO. Get into the real world and get a life.

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