
A Bad volleyball Coach?

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My volleyball coach who coaches freshman and JV teams has cut me from the team. Ok heres, the reasons why I was probably cut.

1. I left a first impression on him. I was first in line to begin to spike an "invisible ball" I've never spiked on a net the right way, EVER. In gym, we have no rules. So i run up to spike and my hand comes down and skims the net.

2. I nearly ran into him while trying to spike. I was running up to spike and he beings to walk in my path and i I fell over.He yelled "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" at me.

So he made me leave an hour early while the "advanced people" aka the basketball players and some random kid stayed to play a real game. I came back on a Saturday (next day) at 6 AM for second tryouts. I did the exact same thing I did the day before and I was cut 20 minutes into it. I didn't even get a chance to touch a ball, except kicking a ball back to the varsity courts. I later found out he cut everybody cept for basketball players and people he taughtin cla




  1. i dont think thats right! people shouldn't play favorites!...i'm sorry but i also think that you shouldn't have been pretending to spike the ball...

    i feel sorry for you. but i just suggest that you practice practice practice and don't do anything at tryouts unless your coach tells you to. and know when people are passing by you.

    i don't want you to feel bad because i blame your coach more than you. he shouldn't play favorites. thats just not right.

    i hope you make the team next year! =-D

  2. You said that you never spiked the ball the right way on a net.  You said that you nearly ran the coach down during a drill.  And the coach is a bad coach for cutting you?  And one of the reasons he cut you was because you hit the net once?  

    You said that the coach played favorites by keeping people that he taught in his class.  Those are people that he knows and he has spent all semester teaching them volleyball skills that you do not have yet.  

    If you really want to play on the team next year, you will need to work out with a volleyball player or coach.  You need to find someone to help you learn the correct skills.  And practice every day.  Buy a volleyball.  Learn the approach and practice it every day.  Try to find a camp.  If you can do all this before next year, you will be on the team.  

    Good luck.

  3. he should have been more positive with you and not have shown favoritism. now idk maybe the basketball girls were simply better but im not sure about that. my question is do you have experience cause maybe thats it. you know everyone will get cut eventually but that just hasnt happened to some peope cough *me* cough sorry. anyway its fine try harder next year.


    1.) practice more !

    exspessually outside of gym class

    2.) practice serves, hits, digs and other fundimentals

  4. he should have given you all the time beasue they are TRYOUTS not real games and you should get a fare amount of time. its what you deserve. he might have favorites if he coached the b-ball team b4. and if he didn't coach you or show you an example, thats not a very good coach and you might realize you don't want to be on the team if thats how he coaches. don't take it to hard

  5. Sorry, but with most coaches, if you've kicked a volleyball; you've proven you know nothing of the sport and have no consideration.  If you're so concerned as to why you were cut, ask him.  And if you have no experience in the game, you can't expect to be the all-star player.

  6. it sounds like you were inexperienced but he should have given you a chance.

  7. You said that you never spiked the ball the right way on a net. You said that you nearly ran the coach down during a drill. And the coach is a bad coach for cutting you? And one of the reasons he cut you was because you hit the net once?

    You said that the coach played favorites by keeping people that he taught in his class. Those are people that he knows and he has spent all semester teaching them volleyball skills that you do not have yet.

    If you really want to play on the team next year, you will need to work out with a volleyball player or coach. You need to find someone to help you learn the correct skills. And practice every day. Buy a volleyball. Learn the approach and practice it every day. Try to find a camp. If you can do all this before next year, you will be o

  8. are you from old bridge?email me if you are

  9. he sounds like a bad coach to me

    if he cut you in the middle, then you didnt get a fair shot

    though, i must admit, a lot of coaches are like that, where they take in mostly just kids they already know

    i think its really stupid, but they figure since those kids were in something else, and they stuck to it, they can trust them

    sorry your coach is stupid :(

  10. sounds like they have their picks before the tryouts were held.  i'm sorry.  some coaches just suck like that.  if you're interested in playing, see if your school offers v-ball intermurals or join a community league. you'll get more ball contact and have fun while gaining experience, and berhaps be ready for next year.  i'd drop it and not persue this coach further (ie-go to the head coach or principal) because it's not like you'd be wanting to be on a team like that and have to take that c**p all year, you know??

  11. Of course, there are always two sides to every story. Do you think it's possible that you had a little bit of an attitude going in? You say you kicked a ball to the Varsity court, that's a big no-no during a tryout.

    Your JV coach does not truly pick the team, the Varsity coach does. The JV coach coaches the kids that the Varsity coach gives them. They may confer with each, but the V coach has final say. You may be getting mad at the wrong guy.

    Finally, he may not be a great coach, but I don't think you truly have the experience to call him a bad one. I think you should just relax, don't take it so hard and try again next year. I will never say a coach is truly a bad coach. I'm sure any of my players may say the same thing to their friends. But, If you had made the team, maybe he wouldn't be so bad. See my point? Anger makes people say things, so I can't take your judgment too seriously until you've had time to think about it.

    Everyone that gets cut says, "The Coach doesn't know what they are doing." It's never about themselves.

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