
A Beautiful Haunting anyone....?

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From all your paranormal experiences...has anyone here actually experienced any beautiful hauntings, or spiritual experiences...something that has stuck with you, and made the whole experience like really wow....and what happened...




  1. To date I haven't had what I would call a beautiful experience.  Maybe interesting, would be a better term.

    The first time I was touched, I have never forgot how it felt.  For most here, they have not had that opportunity.  I often wonder if something was left behind or if something is taken from me.  Each time it happens, I feel different.  It is extremely difficult to explain & unless one has went thru this, they actually will not understand.

  2. Yeah, I deal with angels, so I've had quite a few very beautiful experiences. Helped a few children to cross over (lost souls, brought to me by my angels), those were very beautiful. And I have a new friend. I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is, in essence, an anxiety disorder. Which means a lot of the time I'm afraid of my own shadow (I'll spare the lengthy diatribe about why).

    But I was just waking up one morning, when I had a vision. I saw something that otherwise would've scared the c**p out of me, but it came with the most peaceful feeling I've ever experienced next to the angels. Turns out his name is Ashe and he's rather huge, I'm not entirely sure how he fits in my house (his head alone filled about a quarter of the doorway when he leaned DOWN to peek into my room). lol But he is so gentle and loving. A friend of mine called him a giant marshmellow. He came to help me, and I just absolutely adore him. So now, if I have a nightmare or something else gets the irrational fear going, I hear him calling to me, "Joanne, hold out your hand." And he holds it, and it fills me with peace.

  3. yes, I think so...

    sometimes... in a church... when I was praying...

    and what happened? in the first moment I was just to loose my consciousness but I didn't... after that I felt like I'd have a very easy body... expanding and expanding... over the entire world...

    with a strong feeling of happiness and generosity...

  4. I've had some of the most beutiful experiences of my life meditating but I don't think there is anything paranormal about that.

  5. During the years I went to church ..I had a lot of them..even at home. Sometimes I felt I'd be lifted out of the pew and rise up to the ceiling. There would be times at home when I'd be so overcome with the feeling of love I'd cry and cry (out of happiness) One time I had a kind of vision with a lot of little children all  around me. It made me cry...for happy. Never figured out what that meant. One time in a church service it felt like my mother had her arms around me. I think I cried for 3 days after that...just so happy to be with spirit.

    I don't think these are the kind of experiences you're talking about...but they're the ones I thought of. I could fill this whole section with all the things that have happened. I can't think of any certain one right now though that stands out above all the rest. If I get started..I won't be able to stop.! lol If I think of a really really outstanding one..I'll edit later..if you leave this on a few days. I don't think any of these were "hauntings'. One time someone called my name to wake me up...seemed like my mother's voice..but don't think she was haunting me.

    EDIT..I came back to maybe delete this answer. Didn't want anyone to make fun of these experiences. Then I saw that I had 7 ..thumbs up! Thanks. Guess I'll leave it.

  6. I have only experienced one "paranormal" moment. I had lost a very close relative in a tragic air plane crash, a few weeks after this event occurred is when my experience happened. I was sleeping in my bedroom when I woke up and saw my doll house (was formally my aunts who passed away) glowing. I was about 16 at the time. I felt so heavy and calm knowing that she was there. I have since spoke to relatives who have had similar experiences.

  7. I lost my brother 20 years ago when I was 3.  I have felt him near by me ever since but 2-3 months ago he actually visited me.  I felt him holding my hand and then saw a shadow standing next to me even though there was no one there.  He walked beside me almost the whole way home.  This has been one of the strongest feelings i have ever experienced.  It was beautiful and it will stay with me forever.

  8. Oh Yes

    MY Fiancee that was Murdered in 1987 has visited Me many times in dreams to tell Me how much She loves Me and to tell Me that She is waiting for me.

    Doesn't get much more beautiful than that.

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