
A Best Friend Question?

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I am under the impression that my 'best friend' dosen't like me. It feels like she is constantly looking for an excause to break up with me and not hang round with me. I think she deliberatly wanted me to realise because she posted a poem on a writing website a go on. It was saying how she had to act normal, how she hated 'someone' so much, but she had to pretend she liked them. I think it means me. But I really like her, we've had so much fun together and we've been through alot. I just don't know what to do, please help!




  1. I have to say that I agree with the first answer, although it is a little short. In the end, if you can't know for sure if she doesn't like you, none of us will do any better.

    As far as I can see, there are a few possible responses you could get from asking her (and you really do need to ask her):

    1. She tells you it's all in your mind; theres' nothing wrong. You might need to follow this up, because if you feel disliked and she still likes you, there's got to be some crossed wires somewhere.

    2. She has stopped liking you for something you've done. You would need to decide whether it's something you can fix, or indeed whether it's something you'd want to fix.

    3. You've drifted apart, or perhaps she's developed very different interests, friendships or something else. You'll need to decide whether you can, or will want to, do whatever needs to be done to fix this.

    4. Somebody's told her you've done/said something, or she's misinterpreted something you've said/done. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as it's easily fixed by talking and straightening things out.

    Anyway, good luck. You do need to talk to her, even though it will probably be hard for you to do.

  2. you just need to talk to her and ask her whats her problem and if she doesn't like u no more then just get u another friend

  3. uhhh, ask.


  4. I think you should ask her and see what changed and if she ever was your true friend. When your life changes, hers will too and eventually you might drift apart. Im not saying there is no best friends out there because there might be, but I think a lot of people will agree as you both start seeking different things in life, you will have different priorities. Dont stress about it, just ask.

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