My A/C Fan Motor Went Out I went to the Local Electric Shop told them what I had which was a GE 1/8 HP Capacitor Motor with 4 Wires Black, Green, Brown, Purple, Green Ground, Black Purple Line, Brown to Capacitor, The new Motor has seven wires Green Ground, Black and White for Direction, Yellow and Black Line, Brown &Brown/White He hooked to a capacitor, The motor turns the right way. The Brown Wire on the Old Motor was hooked to the Capacitor on A/C unit but with the new motor it didn't get hooked up to anything? The problem is I had a tech here he told me my Compressor Motor was shot because after putting this motor In the compressor wouldn't turn on. I bought another motor the same Part Number, same four wires as orginal, the compressor kicks on but the fan motor doesn't turn the right way and is not reveseable, I'm thinking the first motor was not wired right causing the compressor not to kick on, but now I two Motors and a $900 Compressor (not Needed) and still no A/C.