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will a child with asperger syndrome be able to receive ssi???




  1. not sure i think it depends on how sever it is ...most of the time time i dont think so because they are still pretty functioning right?  

  2. this doesnt answer your question at all but that said that its only a cry out for attention kinda irritated me. Aspergers is actually one of the 4 versions on the autistic spectrum disorder, as my sons specialist called it. that person who said that obviously doesn't know first had what it is. My son who is 6, will be 7 in december and was diagonsed when he was 4 with aspergers. his conditions are social and learning disabilities. His most problematic is the social part of it. He wont look at people hardly at all and hes gotten better with letting people touch him. Hes just now starting to talk to certain family members, he wont sit by people in the lunch room at school, lord help the substitute teachers, that is not his teacher and he is not listen to her and hes not doing any work. haha The learning part is only a problem the day he learns it, like it takes him over night to get it. I think he has to sort it all out in his head. he also has adhd and the anger to go with. when hes on his meds he pretty well controls it. Really, the only thing you can do is councelling, make sure he has his meds and just be understanding. Explain to your sons teachers to be patient. He cant help it and sometimes is kindcute. :) pick your battles ive learned. I also HAVE to recomend this book that dr. norris had me read, its called 123 magic. it sort of teaches you who to deal and discipline children with these sort of disorders. its a really good and have helped me so much. i would swear by this book. hope it helps and god bless.

  3. He could also have OCD (obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Many people have it, and it is very stressful.

    I don't know exactly how it works, but it causes people to have to do certain things (as you said; to touch every computer beofre leaving the room, or others such as stepping on certain stairs, avoiding touching certain things, etc). Usually if they do not do what their mind says they have to do, they will get stressed, feel sick or get the idea in their mind that something bad will happen if they dont do it. Also, they will usually tell themselves that they have to do something in a certian about of time or something bad happens. Does your son count while doing these things? You might notice him muttering numbers, like "One, Two...Four, Five...Seven, Eight...' etc. Sometimes they will skip out numbers in patterns.


  4. My brother has that, my heart goes out to you, it is a hard thing to deal with. I believe they do get a some but not a lot. My dads cousin has it and he does. It might be different though depending on where you live.

  5. Aspergers is not a legitimate mental condition. It's diagnosis (or more often, self-diagnosis) is usually a cry for attention by the offending party, often as an excuse for bad or otherwise unusual behavior.

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