
A Cheap Texas instrument TI-83 or 84 (mainly 84)

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Does anyone know where I can find a cheap TI-83 or 84 calculator? preferably pink and a TI-84 Thanx :)




  1. look on e-bay

  2. I have a TI-83 thats in good condition. I know they are expensive, but I'd sell you mine. I'm in college and have no need for a calculator that advanced anymore because I have no more math classes.


  4. Don't buy Texas Instrument they suck. My brother had to buy one because our school recommends it and its fricken heavy and bulky. Plus my dad is an engineer he used to work for TI and he says the microchip is h**l big compared to the calculators you can get nowadays.

  5. 캐시가 필요하신분 이글을 5군데 올리고 F5버튼을 누르면 화면이 깜빡! 하면서 다시 똑같은 화면이나옵니다. 근데 그때 10초정도뒤에 ' 캐시가 있는분,없는분, 캐시가 필요하십니까? ' 라는 말이나오면 예 아니오 가 나오는데 ' 예 ' 를누르면 게임이름을 치는곳이나오고 아니오를누르면 그냥 한번기회가 날라갑니다. 예를눌렀을때 게임이름을 치면 잠시만 기다려주십시오. 라고나오면서 10~20초뒤에 완료되었습니다.축하합니다! 라고나옵니다. 그러면 캐시가 충전됀것입니다

  6. they are all around the same price unless you buy them used, try ebay or something

  7. i agree with lee s.

    p.s. you are so homosexual for favre

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