
A Cigarette to cope with life?

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Hey guys, Is it strange if i like the smell of cigarette?It seems really soothing to me every time some one near me smokes. I mean, my friend says that it helps stress and stuff. And theres so much c**p going on - Mums always yelling, my sister is always being a ***** now, I don't really ever look on the great side, So what if we tell a friend a our problems. It never really helps. You can't expect anything from anyone anymore. But does a cigarette really help with stress?




  1. No it is not strange, but trust me do not start smoking! I started smoking at the age of 13 because of my family life stress too. I'm not going to lie about it, but yes it does calm your nerves down. Then in 5 minutes, guess what! All the stress is back. No matter what you do stress does not go away unless you learn to deal with it on your own. Ignore your sister, let everything go. It is hard but every time you do it, it will become easier and easier.  

  2. Sure, it makes you FEEL less stressed, but I can assure you, the disadvantages to your health definitely outweigh the "benefit". There is so much more you can do to reduce stress that is healthy for you...exercise, a nice bubble bath, even music therapy! Just do not start smoking. It's an awful habit and it's so unattractive.

  3. yes, a cigarettes helps with stess

    but so does jogging, and jogging keeps you in shape.

  4. One of my friend smokes. She's smoked since she was 12. She's 17 now, like me. I give her **** for it, saying how are her future grandkids gonna like it, when she's dead and not there to see them, but she says it smoking helps her 'cope with the now. If I can't cope with the now, than my whole future is screwed.'

    And yes tobacco has been said to calm people with bi-polar disorder. Throughout history people have lit up to calm down. Or out of habit they just do.

    It's your choice. if it makes you feel better, than no one can stop you.

    hope this helps

  5. try it, then youll realize you dont like it.

    done deal save 20 years in ur life

    +20,000 dollars

  6. Don't. My dad smokes, and you know what it ain't worth it. One day, you'll regret it. You know what go here:

  7. I like the smell too. :D

    Smoking a cig once in a while (once or twice a week) is nice, but moderate smoking will kill you flat out. There are no bad chemicals, only balances of chemicals that have a good or bad effect. Like caffeine.

  8. no... it's just the breathing that you do.... you take that first big inhalation and blow it out... that's what relaxes you.... that's all you have to do.

  9. There is a pay off for everything we do.  Once you smoke though, it's not easy to quit, it took me years to quit.  It's expensive and getting more expensive.  I can honestly say that of all the things I've done, smoking was the one I regret most.  We all make choices and some choices stick with us for ever.  Remember, a non smoker has the choice to date a smoker, but a smoker doens't have that option to choose, you may loose out on someone good later on because you smoke.  Ah, that's a point you've never pondered.

  10. The sense of smell can trigger powerful memories.  If as a little kid, you had the happiest of memories and someone was smoking, then you have been conditioned to associate the smell with being at ease.  if you don't smoke, but just light up a sig, try sucking on a small piece of hard candy.  After a while, you will start to feel less stressed just by sucking on the same hard candy.  Then you can ween yourself away from the sig smoke.

    I would rather just smoke it.  The nicotine and hypoxia sooths me and calms me down.  I get stressed when I think about what bothers me too much.  A smoke will keep me from having an efficient higher brain function which allows me to chillax.

  11. No cigarettes do not help with stress - it is actually the deep breathing that smokers do to inhale that is relaxing not the smoking itself which has the opposite effect as it increases adrenalin.

  12. To be honest it does or it can but its really a terrible habit to pick up... Im sure you're aware of  the life threatening diseases associated with smoking... honestly its not worth it because if it becomes a habit sooner or later your health becomes something to stress about and the cigs can only make that worse... plus once your hooked quitting aint easy so I say stay clear from the cigs and try something like kick boxing for the stress... that works too and its beneficial to your health.

  13. no smoking will not help with stress

  14. No, it is not strange. Some people like it, and it could mean that they are just born to smoke. I find that it does help with stress a lot. Different people respond to nicotine in different ways, though. If you are stressed and you smoke a cigarette and it makes you feel better, then you are one of those people who are destined to become a smoker. If it make you irritated, then you are not.

    So just try a few cigarettes and see how if affects you. Besides, smoking is as close as you can get to having s*x with your lungs!

  15. if you try maybe you will see that you dont like

    i sugest that you dont even thnik to start it cause afte it wont be easy to cut it

  16. no prayer helps. deep breathing and letting go of your problems. giving them to god. find your center and relax.. you don't cope with life, you live it love it and thank god for it everyday...

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