
A Cockatoo?

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Yesterday i went to birdparadice (a very good bird store which all birds are hand-fed and weaned and sexed) and i was looking through the birds when i found his cockatoo. (the birds pretty much roam around in open cages) He could talk and was very friendly. He was the first bird there i have ever seen that hop out of his cage and put his head down for me to scratch. He was super friendly! We would have purchased him but we did not have the money. Anyway i have a lovebird and a cockatiel. Do you i could have trained him and really bond with him? Are cockatoos good pets?




  1. Cockatoos can make very good pets and wonderful companions to anyone who has the time and love to dedicate to them.  They are extremely intelligent, affectionate and attention craving birds.  Cockatoos require a big commitment and may not be suitable for everyone.  There is a lot to take into consideration before giving one of these amazing birds a home, and you need to have a good think about whether you will be able to provide everything it need and deserves, especially seeing as you and your friend could be together for up to about 70 years or more!

    You cannot leave a cockatoo alone for long periods of time every day, as they get lonely, bored and frustrated.  This is one of the various reasons some birds pluck out their own feathers.  Do not consider buying a cockatoo if you are not prepared or are unable to spend at least two to three hours each day playing with, cuddling, exercising, talking to and feeding your bird.

    Large cockatoos can be extremely loud, the loudest probably being the Moluccan Cockatoo.  Naturally they emit a series of screeches and screams, especially when bored or seeking attention.  You may find however, that your pet cockatoo imitates your pet dog, telephone or alarm clock!  The volume of some of the larger species, make them totally unsuitable for people living in flats, apartments and semi-detatched houses.  your neighbours will hate you.

    Cockatoos are naturally very destructive and if left out of their cage unattended will love nothing more than to chew your furniture and shred your curtains to bits.  They are also very curious birds so you need to keep anything that may be harmful to them out of the way and supervise them whilst they are out of their cage to make sure they don’t swallow anything or injure themselves.

    You need to treat your cockatoo as a companion rather than just a pet.  They form very strong bonds with their owners and will love you so much that they may even resent you showing affection to anyone else, be it a family member or another pet.  Your cockatoo may even come to regard you as a mate.

    They are very loving, trusting, entertaining and comical, and if you are able to look after them properly, will be an extremely rewarding 'pet', even your best friend.

  2. they are very good pets but a few things are that you dont want to give them way to much affection becasue they will become attatched that they will scream when u leave the malone and also only take them out for like 15 minutes at a time and not at the same time every day switch it up because if u take them out at the same time they will scream very very very (and it keeps going lol) loud so just hold him not for long and not at the same time very day (i have a sulfur crested)

  3. First of all, cockatoos are not suitable for you if you live in close quarters (semi-detached, townhomes, or apartments). Secondly, cockatoos can make GREAT pets if you are willing to spend at least six hours a day with them -- needless to say, they're not a working person's bird. Otherwise, you're taking a huge risk. And finally, whatever bird you want to get, please adopt it, since there are so many birds out there that need good homes, and encouraging breeding of these birds by buying them from breeders or pet stores worsens the situation. Visit to locate the nearest parrot shelter. And as always, research about whatever you want to get is of extreme importance; even if it's just a simple Google search, the point is to DO it.
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