
A Couple Questions About Ferrets?

by Guest56817  |  earlier

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I was browsing over Y!A and saw someone say that you need a pet liscense to own a ferret, or something like that. I've never heard of that before, but is it true?

Also, someone said that they vaccinate their ferrets once when they are young and then every 3 years after that because the risk for reaction is higher with more vaccines. Every site that I've looked at has said that ferrets should be vaccinated at 3 months and then every year for a booster. So, which one is it and why?

Does anyone have any statistics on the percent of ferrets that get rabies/distemper each year compared to dogs/cats?

What are the chances that a ferret would contract rabies/distemper if not vaccinated? Isn't the risk for reaction from the shots a little higher than rabies/distemper?

So, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate a ferret?





  1. I also asked if its neccessary to vaccinate a ferret as well.  The chance of a ferret getting rabies is low.  They have to be bit by an animal with rabies and it has to go through the skin.  Ferrets have tough skin and something that almost fights rabies.  There have been 27 cases of ferrets with rabies since 1950 something.  You are supposed to vaccinate them at 8, 12 and 16 weeks old and then annually.  Im not sure about the license though.  I live in California and am not supposed to have one anyways.

  2. I own 7 ferrets and not a single one is vaccinated. That is because they do not come in contact with any other pets and they do not go outside. It is better to vaccinate them and the best person to talk to about that is a vet.

  3. At three mo and then every year. You need to keep up the vaccinations. You may never let them outside but if by any chancethey do get outside you will regret it

  4. no you dont have to have a license to own a ferret in most placces i have never heard that before however there might be some areas that do require it so maybe you should check with someone you know that has a ferret or with some kind of authority figure. i would go with the every three years one because there really isnt that much of a need to vaccinate it unless you plan on taking it outside or out in town for some reason. i dont have the statistics that you asked for, i'm sorry. i dont think ferrets would get rabies, i dont vaccinate mine because all mt other pets that need be are vaccinated so it wont get it from them and my ferret lives in my house and stays there so there is no chance it is going to get bitten or scratched by something that has rabies so theres really no need to vaccinate her.

  5. I have 2 ferrets and I did not need a license. Maybe it depends on the state you live in. They were vaccinated when I bought them and have had boosters every year. They are very healthy and happy.

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