
A-Dawkinsians, or non believers in Dawkins, I give you the opportunity to prove me Dawkinsism wrong?

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this is your chance.

Just post here, Dawkins does not exist is the same as me saying Dawkins exists.

So, if you want any credibility post some evidence, not your opinion.




  1. just google it!

  2. It's obvious that belief in the existance of Dawkins is for the weak minded, and is 100% superstition. Have you touched him? And even then, were You touching him, or was it merely an illusion created in a state of mystic rapture where the sensory perceptors of your hands misinformed your brain of His actual presence? I think without any hard evidence, we must go with the only logical theory, and that is that Dawkins does Not exist. Even if 95% of Americans believe Dawkins exist, at one point more than that believed the earth was round too.  

  3. I'm a fan, he's my hero!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a book full of his quotes but I don't have it with me right now.

    trolls exist, one is called Gary Y

  4. Of course he doesn't exist.  This entire video was photoshopped:


  5. I was called an atheist fundie for posting a similar question to this.

    OMG - over sensitive or what.  

  6. I own two of his books! ^_^

    And I have watched all his documentaries... He's AWESOME!!!



    It's cool that he can laugh at stuff like that :)

  7. Chapter 1 of Richard Dawkins' book, The God Delusion uses all the classic disreputable techniques that Dawkins has complained about in his dealings with certain creationists. He misrepresents Christian understanding of God and the role of evidence and faith. In addition, he quotes from unnamed sources, representing them as standard examples of religious believers, when they are obviously not mainline. Dawkins mistakenly categorizes conflicts as being religious in nature, when, in reality, none of the disputes involve any theological issues at all. In fact, the examples all involve political power struggles of groups that just happen to be from different religious affiliations. He fails to to point out the atheists who have committed even greater atrocities. Finally, Dawkins lies outright about how the U.S. courts are protecting "hate speech" on the basis of "religious freedom," when the cases were judged not to be hate speech, nor even religious speech. Despite its popularity, The God Delusion has to be Richard Dawkins' most poorly written book to date.

    In chapter 2, Richard Dawkins makes numerous assertions, nearly all of which he fails to support with either logic or data. Examples include the numerous names he gives to God, the claim that Paul founded Christianity, the claim that Christianity is the bloodiest religion ever, the claim that there are few strong atheists, and the claim that the founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves because religious people hold political office in the United States - all of which are shown to be false. As in chapter 1, Dawkins is caught quoting out-of-context, when the original intent of the author was exactly opposite of what he reported. I'm not sure how he thought he would get away with this kind of despicable lying. Dawkins' most egregious example of failing to supports his claims is the assertion that intelligences (including God) must be evolved. Dawkins doesn't seem to apply his claim to the universe itself, which displays considerable evidence that it is anything but average. In fact, an average universe would consist solely of thermal energy, and no matter at all. It is clear that Richard Dawkins dislikes the God of Christianity primarily because of His desire for moral accountability from people. Dawkins doesn't want to be morally accountable, and finds a God who demands such accountability to be evil, instead preferring the non-intervening god of deism. I agree with Dawkins that the NOMA concept is wrong - that the question of God's existence can be addressed by the sciences. Obviously, we view the probability of God's existence quite differently.

    The list goes on

  8. Dawkins is awesome.  How could anybody not believe in him?

  9. Do trolls exist?  This is your chance.  Just post here, Trolls does not exist is the same as me saying Trolls exists.  So, if you want any credibility post some evidence, not your opinion.

    Get over it.

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