
A Day Without Cars?

by Guest60645  |  earlier

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How many people would be interested in participating in "A Day Without Cars"? This is a non-profit website organization that has been running since 2006 with hardly any participation.

The first Saturday of each month is titled A Day Without Cars, and when you log onto the website, you can fill out a form, basically a pledge, that you will not use a car on that day.

This adds your name to an archive, and a participant map, so it is easy to see where participants are located, etc.

Please check out the website, and submit your comments, suggestions, concerns, etc. below. Thanks!




  1. First of all, what I don't understand is, that some of the people here think it's a stupid idea and then attacks the person who asked the question. Give him a break! We don't have the same taste, we don't look and think alike, and so on. What would the world look like if everybody would have the same ideas and thoughts?! Geez...

    Second of all, I think it's a wonderful idea but... what about the rest of the world? Why is it always just about America? We, on the other side of this planet are humans too you know, and you are trying to fix.. okay, maybe "fix" is not the right word, but yet, you're trying to fix something that's not just yours, but it belongs to all of us: our planet and the air we breath.

    Hello! The rest of us is here too! Put a world map up to that site.

  2. What a silly exercise. Anybody can go one day without a car, especially a Saturday where most people don't have to go to school or work. Cars are not even bad. Everyone always trashes cars and drivers as causing all the environmental problems of the world. Planes, trains, ships, steel mills, farm tractors, buses, trucks, electricity generating plants, lawn mowers, chain saws, ambulances, bulldozers, and countless other things are being discounted and all the pollution blame is put on cars. It is crazy!

  3. That's cute.

    Maybe if it were a real site, that didn't ask for the location of people like some kind of stalker, it might work.

    Best of luck.

  4. This is a great idea, more people need to be informed. I shall participate!

  5. Great idea, it should reduce the traffic considerably so that I can get about much easier.  Please keep working on this.

  6. ...and a day without breathing!!!

  7. Why should I even consider this. I live 75 miles from work and my work requires me to drive 183 mile route to check oil wells each day. The local store is 39 miles away. A day with out a car Freaking stupid idea.

  8. Cars are not the problem, just the fuel we use in them.

  9. A day without cars.....HA!

    when the enviromental wackos come up with a plan that makes sense you might see some participation, until then get used to being disappointed

  10. i would do it

  11. amazing idea, i'll be sure to make my friends/family (and me obviously) do it!
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