
A Disturbing dream, Anyone??

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I dreamt of a killer who is on a killing spree. There is blood everywhere including several people. I see mostly arms. I talked to the killer and apologized for all the sufferings he underwent in his life. He didn't kill me and put the knife aside. Then he disappeared including the bodies. After that, I looked at the bathroom which was said to be haunted after the killing. I saw blood very slowly starting to flow. I started walking away and I keep looking back and keep seeing that the blood keeps flowing steadily around the toilet's rim.




  1. anxcity

  2. Blood everywhere = attention seeking

    apologize for the sufferings = guilt conscience

    bathroom haunted= privacy invasion

    Dreaming of bad things like killing or being killed often symbolize insecurity.  You projected lots of blood, that is a symbol of attention seeking.  In translation,  you are feeling some guilt  in life.  That guilt conscience you have come from

    fear, and low confidence in life.  

    Projecting bathroom being haunted after killing symbolize some regret conscience  You may have some issues about things you can't overcome lately and you need someone to understand you somehow.   Your dream indicates lots about your privacy level.  Maybe something has happened to you lately about your privacy being invaded and you can't fight back because you have low confidence in life and that is why  you have this kind of disturbing dream.

  3. Ok well, be glad that its not real its just a dream, next time you try going to sleep don't think about it just listen to a song or something and go to sleep and it wont be coming again hopefully. Good luck

  4. Your dream is quite interesting and based on basic dream interpretations says quite a bit about where you are in the world.

    You have kept yourself from feeling the depth of emotions you should be feeling and based on the other aspects of your dream I would say that the emotions are holding you back from enjoying passion and the wonders of life. Perhaps you've ignored your own identity in order to aid others. You are a very nurturing person, but you've reached a point in your life where something has clicked and you've realized that in order to take care of the people in your world you have to take care of you too (I've been here and it's quite a revelation). Learning to take care of you allows you to express your passion more freely.

    Something tells me that you've been in an unfullfilling relationship and that you're taking steps to get away from it. You're cutting the ties, forgiving and moving on. I can't say if this is a family relationship or a sexual relationship, but I would be inclined to lean toward to the sexual relationship.

    It's amazing how different the interpretation can be from the dream, isn't it?

  5. Most dreams don't mean anything except 1) You have previous experiences dealing with the dream or 2) You saw something that influenced this dream, like a movie or something. So unless you have previously dealt with a murderer, a haunted bathroom, and you watched some sort of show, movie, or read a book...this dream is nothing more then a common nightmare.

  6. yes that is quite disturbing! do you have anything that might be bothering you? you can e-mail me if you want to. cause i have never had a dream like that. and that isnt a dream, it's a nightmare. lol

  7. well i dont know what all thats about but this website helped my with one of my dreams!

  8. most of the time.. dreams like those are bec of stress... or you`re thinking a lot of things...

  9. Let me ask you a series of personal questions:

    Is your monthly cycle looming?

    Are you particularly stressed about something?

    Are you angry with someone?

    Is there a situation in your life over which you have NO control?

    Are you taking anti-depressants?

    Have you been exhibiting cold/flu symptoms?

    I have noticed that when I have a particularly bad dream  either something is bothering the h**l outta me, I'm about to be slightly sick, or the dream answers questions that I cannot receive the answers to during my wake-hours.

  10. waw...freaky i think you have had an expierience or seen something on the news that has made you dream this

  11. Ummmm, you want to date a serial killer?

  12. Call a plumber and get the toilet fixed.

  13. thats really scary.

    sometimes you dream about what happend that day

    like if you watched a scary movie heard about killing and things like that

  14. i have no idea but it sounds like you have made someone realize that they dont need to kill in order for them to feel better about their past, and i dont know about the blood part.

  15. Very interesting. It's so weird how the brain interprets things into dreams. Now, I'm quite moved and trying to study my findings over the brain interpretation. A killer all ways goes through something hard in a point in his life that makes him what he is.

    I usually have the same dream every year. It's all ways about the scary movie of Chuckie I watched when I was 5. A dream is a sequence of mental images during sleep: a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events.

  16. its kinda weird but ok

  17. Are you feeling like you are hurting people for what they think they have had gone wrong in their life! Do you feel like you are making someone suffer for something they have no controll over? You need to look at what is going on in your life and if you are feeling any guilt for making someone else feel bad. Not that you really are but you may be feeling like you are

  18. ooo - that's a creepy dream! when i was around the age of 9, i had this dream where all of my relatives and friends were dead on the streets with blood splattered across their bodies and i was sooo creeped out!

    well - i think u were just stressed... usually, when ur stressed, u have disturbing dreams that remain clear in ur memories! don't worry, it's nothing, unless ur dreams tend to come true... but idk.

  19. That is creepy! Is your house haunted? Something in your house maybe trying to tell you something! Or maybe you should stop watching scary movies before you go to bed! Also never eat chocolate before bed you will have bad dreams

  20. The arms are almost reminiscent of some form of unheeded supplication. As if they were asking for some kind of mercy that the killer didn't show them when it happened.

    A haunting is like a dream itself, wild amazing fantastical, he disappeared when you apologized for his sufferings. Do you know others that have suffered? Maybe peers in school that you didn't help or defend when others were belittling them, shaming them, and destroying their will.

    Do you feel like maybe you should have said what you said to the killer to someone in real life? That seems to be the case given the fact that the blood was still flowing.

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