
A Double standard between WHTs & BLKs?

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Why is it a huge deal & a shared view that if a black couple adopts a white child then they must not like themselves and they are considered a sell out?

When white people do it, people think that they must be really kind hearted, open minded people.

In other words, it a great thing if whites do it... But if a black couple adopts a white child, society doesn't like it.

Also... What do you think about a person of color taking any race other than their own?




  1. Can you teach an Asian child about being Asian?

    Living in it's skin?


    Many blacks aren't happy that white people adopt black children, but we are satisfided with the child having a home.

    As for blacks adopting white children there are very

    many black and bi-racial children that need homes


    I think the same race child should go to their own

    race first.

  2. its just another part of racist america.

    what do you think about black babies being cheaper than white ones?

  3. maybe its just a view among your community/peers. i can see how you would get that perception; however, i think the more important thing isnt focusing on peoples opinions because there will always be haters. i dont look at the race i look at the heart. i dont give kudos to people who date or adopt out of their race. i dont think anyone is more loving or admirable just because they reach out  to someone of a different race.

    double standards do suck. they shouldnt hold us back. we as individuals dont have to play into them.

    i think the person who said each race should go to their own first is a little short sighted or maybe i am the one that is. a culture isnt preserved just by being that race...its preserved when people who care about that culture work to preserve it. my black parents didnt teach me about africa or my native american heritage so how can i take on the perception that i am  better off with them than an indian or asian family. lots of hispanics dont teach their children about their homeland or even teach them how to cook or speak spanish so i just think that comment is bogus but maybe im just being close minded.

  4. No matter the racial combination of parents/children, there are unique challenges to transracial adoption.  These challenges are not insurmountable, but they do need to be recognized, acknowledged and addressed.  

    As long as the adoptive parents are willing and able to do this, I have no problem with transracial adoption at all, regardless of the race of the adoptive parents and children.

  5. I really don't think that's true. I've never heard of anyone thinking that a black person adopting a white child means they "don't like their kind", I don't know where you're getting that from? I personally don't care what race a child is and what race the people who adopt them are... every child needs a home. Race shouldn't matter.

  6. i would like to know where you are getting your info...I have a feeling this is all in your head. Anyone looking into adoption seriously would take any child that needs a home no matter the color. If race is an issue than that is on their conscience not societies.....

  7. The problem with society is that there's still too many uninformed people with old-fashioned biases.

    Most well-educated, informed people wouldn't have anything to say about a black couple adopting a white child.   Its a wonderful thing for any orphan to find a home, so why should color matter as long as there's love?

    Thanks to the internet and population growth, these people are a dying breed.  More children are growing up with friends of different cultures and races and those old bigots are fading fast.

    So while there still are those idiots that will have something to say about adopting a baby of a different race, its not worth paying them any mind because THEY are the minority....

  8. I really don't like to see any interracial adoptions, because it can cause confusion and resentment in the child later in life. how can the child learn to love themselves and their culture if they're being raised by a different race who can't appreciate their given race.

  9. Honestly, Do you know of a black couple who have adopted a white child? Because, they are EXTREMELY rare. The sad truth is that white children are much more likely to be adopted than black children. In addition, couples tend to adopt within their own race if it is possible. Therefore, black couples tend to adopt black children. However, there are more white adoptive parents than there are "healthy" white children waiting to be adopted, so many white couples end up adopting children outside of their race instead of waiting 10 years to adopt a white newborn. Thus, it's quite common for white couples to adopt outside their race, but not black couples, because there are plenty of black children waiting to be adopted. There are few black couples willing to wait on a long waiting list just to adopt a child that's white when they could adopt a black newborn much quicker. Therefore, it really doesnt' happen very often, unless the circumstance is particularly unusual.  

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