
A Dream Of a Deep Swamp and Riding over a Dead Woman?

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I had a dream not long ago and I think it might have been a food dream/nightmare. I need to know for sure though.

I dreamed I was riding home on my bike and I'm in a big city. As i turn the corner the scenery changes to a deep dark woods. I see a really old wooden bridge help up with some old rope. I can't see the other side of the bridge. I ride my bike to the bridge and my tire rolls over the head of a dead and decaying woman (she's laying face down). I ride along and the water is getting deeper as I keep going. I keep trying to ride through but the water gets so deep I get extremely scared of what's in the water and how deep it is (even though the water seems to get clearer like a lake almost , as i tried to see how far to the otherside) I turn around and leave the bridge. (im still spooked at the end).

Any ideas to what it might mean would be great. Please nothing stupid. most detail gets best answer.




  1. I think you might be running from something or some one. The old lady and the water might be some one pulling you back towards it.

  2. Old southern tradition is you dream about death, you are gonna have a baby.

    Wish you would dream some numbers.

  3. I'm sorry but this is an easy one. The change from the city to the dark woods is a bad situation or problem in your life. The run down bridge means it's hard to see if you can get out of the situation or problem. You cant see the other side meaning you dont know the outcome. Running over the head means something went wrong about trying to get past the problem, maybe you hurt someone. When the water rises, it means the problem is getting worse or the worry level is going up. Ur scared of the water because u dont want to know what failing or the consquences are going to be. You couldnt handle the problem so you went the other way cuz u couldnt find a solution. Thats what i think. This can apply to a few situations similar to this one so think it out. If u need help again, then ask and im willing to help.

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