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i am getting either a ferret or a Maltese/Bichon Frise in around a month, and i just cant decide! i have time and $ for either, i just dont know which one i really want. i want to be able to interact with her, play, and have some fun with my pet...

please tell me your experiences with a ferret or a puppy?

if you think i should get a puppy please say if a Bichon Frise or a Maltese is better for any reason

thanks so much in advance!!!




  1. Well dogs are a lot more needy and require a lot of attention. And if not socialized when they are young they tend to not like people. But ferrets can be smelly but are nice pets. I think it is up to you.

  2. A Puppy, i have a dog and i love him to bits he's so playful and that..ferrets smell like **** and they bite your ears and are far too if you stroke it or somethin itll leg it lol.

  3. It depends on you, really: your personality, what kind of pet you want and what you're ready to handle. As the second link says: "...if your way-too-orderly life needs a giant dose of disorder, then a ferret is the perfect pet for you. Here's how to do it."  

    (Puppies are also a giant dose of disorder, mind you, but they do grow up eventually.)

    The third is just a dog selector quiz--Bichon Frises and Malteses are better dogs for different people.

  4. definetely a puppy.

  5. .i myself would get a ferret ferrets do sometimes stink but puppies are much hard to work with.  ferrets usually love people. i once had a ferret and her name was flower. Ferrets are made to hunt rats a rabbits and such but they are fun cute and sociable, it is much harder to socialize puppies because you have to make them meet people and other dog or the dog will not be very sociable, so the best chose would be a ferret

  6. Well Ferrets are great and a lot of fun, and different, everyone has a dog... but there is a reason everyone has a dog!  They are man's best friend!  I   absolutly love my dogs, but they are a constant thing to take care of, no tthat a farret isnt... but both a maltese and a Bichon require grooming, more so a Bichon.  And Bichon is a little bigger...

  7. a ferret they are sooooo luvable i had one named lucie this is wat lucie looked like she is a panda ferret and if u have a ball and u kick it she will hit it with her nose and make it roll

    hope u pick the ferret!

  8. Ferrets are affectionate, but can also be moody at times and if it bites and holds on then they're a devil to get them to let go.  Also, they smell really really bad.  Really.

    However, ferret's are good for their kookiness value - how many people do you know with a pet ferret? Not many I'll bet.  

    Ferrets are not the brightest of animals, but they will interract with you.  Just watch out for the occassional nip, as they have exceptionally sharp teeth.

    I prefer dogs, but I like big dogs though personally.

  9. a ferret!

  10. Ferrets! They are easier to look after and they dont need all the attention puppies do. When you go to school or work it doesnt need attention. Playing with ferrets are fun too. They also dont need to be potty trained. They can smell a bit, but all animals do!!!

  11. i would get a puppy! i got a yorkipoo for christmas and i love her. shes a handful but thats how puppies are! shes good to have around, if im upset shes always good to talk to

  12. I have a ferret and a golden retriever so i have experience with  both a dog and a ferret. Ferrets are adorable and love to run around and be as curious as they can. They are not very easy to litter train though and their poops smell very bad and they have a srong smell ( i did get used to the smell after a few weeks and don't smell him anymore)

    Dogs make great pets all around. They have plenty of energy to run around and play and they are so affectionate. They do need to be walked and get good exercise and of course there are those vet bills!! I would say to go with the dog i personally like maltese better i think they are cuter but of course its also the behavior you have to look for! Good luck!

  13. PUPPY, ferrets, you need to clean their cages cages every day.

  14. i suggest a puppy because ferrets can become is little angry and bite you. that happenned with my friends ferret and shes annoyed by it. a puppy will be better. that maltese/bichon frise is a really good dog. it is very friendly

  15. A PUPPY!!

    Ferrets are dirty and stink to high heaven!!!

    Especially if you have kids......

    A Maltese, a puppy is so much more devote, too!!

    I'm a dog lover all the way!!!

  16. I think you'll have more fun with a puppy. I've only known one person that owned ferrets. She had two and those little creatures were smelly... they didn't come out of the cage too often. If they do they're little so if they hide they are hard to find. It's harder to find a vet to treat them if they get sick because they are still illegal to own in a lot of places.

    Both puppies you chose require a lot of grooming. I think Bichons are a little less nervous around people so they wouldn't be as yappy! Either way a puppy you can bring with you when you leave your house. A ferret has to stay home.

  17. For me I would say both lol...

    But it depends on if its just you or you have kids. And how long you would like to have a pet for.

    Ferrets take a lot of day to day work. Fun to watch no so much to play with. Yes they do play with you but once they see somthing new they dont care about you anymore till they are all dont with it.

    Puppy is a lot of work in the begining. If you dont take the time then, then you arent going to have fun later on. A puppy needs more one on one with you then a ferret. And you can do more with a puppy/dog.

  18. a puppy

  19. You need to think about what you really want from a pet, and what level of care you can offer.

    A puppy will obviously become a fully grown dog, although both dogs and ferrets have long lifespans compared to other pets.

    Puppies need more work in many respects - proper socialisation and training, to be walked every day, etc. A puppy also needs lots of your time - it shouldn't spend hours alone. If you work / study full time you should NOT get a puppy!

    Ferrets are also social and need lots of time, but you can still keep a ferret if you work. Obviously you should have more than one so they have some company!

    With either pet you would need to puppy or ferret proof your home - i.e. make sure the animal can not escape or hurt itself, chew through wires etc. Both should be housetrained - a puppy to go outside, a ferret to use a litter tray. Obviously a ferret can live in a cage, but still needs to come out to play every day. However, bear in mind that ferrets are very active and playful and a small cage will not do - a large cage will take up a lot of space!

    A dog is going to be more expensive generally, e.g. in terms of vet bills although this might not matter if you are positive you have the money to cover anything you might need.

    Ferrets do smell. We don't descent over here (UK) but that alone will not stop the smell. Males smell more than females, and entier ferrets smell more than neutered ferrets.

    It isn't just a matter of how strong the smell is - but how you personally feel about it.

    I'm used to dealing with entire adult males who smell pretty strongly - but I personally don't dislike the smell, it doesn't bother me. I am wierd though - many people hate the smell!

    However, with a puppy you have more complicated house training to worry about. And some puupise do not gain full bladder / bowell control until 6 months old! So you should expect a few weeks at least of pee and p**p on the floor!

    Between the dog breeds - maltese and bichons are very similar breeds. They are very similar in terms of character and personality, and have the same care needs. Both need abou the same amount of exercise (don't need too mcuh but should get a decent walk every day), and lots of grooming.

    I have a bichon frise myself - now 11 years old. She is lovely, but grooming is a nightmare. She always looks filthy and grey instead of the perfect white you see in the photos! Her coat tangles really easily, even if brushed every day. She gets bad tear stains, so now her whole face area is brown from tears, eating etc. Maltese get all the same sorts of problems. They also need egular trips to the groomers (about every 6 weeks) to be trimmed. I wouldn't bother aiming for a full coat, it just isn't practical.

    Before you chose your pet - ferret, bichon or maltese - I would suggest acutally meeting some in person to see which you "click" with and prefer. You may be able to contact a breed club or ferret club to find breeders, owners or rescues near you who will let you meet their animals. This is essential if you are only deciding based on what you have seen and read! I would never recommend a breed of dog, or a ferret, to someone who has never met or handled one. Just meet a few of each and decide which you like best.

  20. definately a dog. they are so much more lovable

  21. Both Maltese and Bichon Frise need lots of grooming. Bichons need groomed every 4 weeks at least in order to maintain a healthy coat. Do you have $40+ to spend on grooming every month in addition to weekly baths at home? Maltese I believe can be between 4-6 weeks. Personally, I think ferrets are better pets... but they require more cleaning since they will urinate and p**p in their cage in your house.  Really, it depends on whichever you prefer. If I would get a puppy though, I'd get one less high-maintanence.

  22. if you want to be different get a ferret b/c I've always wanted one and I have a Maltese. I love her to death but I still want another pet.

    Puppy's are awesome but if I were you I'd go with the ferret. They're cute and friendly, fun, and a little stinky but so is a dog. Ferrets don't bark and don't run away from home the first chance they get like dogs do.

    Hope I helped:0

  23. A Puppy!!
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