
A Farewell to Arms.?

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I'm having trouble finding these four questions for Book I in A Farewell to Arms.

What is the incident with the soldier who had a rupture in chapter seven?

Henry says "Well, I knew I would not be killed. Not in this War." What is his reason?

What did the priest bring to Fredrick in the hospital?

Describe Fred's relationship with the Priest?

Can you please explain the answers to me. It would be a big help, Thank you




  1. Grady G's right, except they were yellow roses, not red.

  2. It has been about 6 years since I have read this book. You should be able to find cliffnotes or similar online. Try this site.

  3. I haven’t read A Farewell to Arms, so I can’t help with details, but there is good information at these sites that should help you put your answer together.

  4. Why don't you just read the book? It's not like the questions are asking for any analytical ability.

    1. Henry picks up a soldier with a hernia (he calls it a "'rupture"). The soldier confesses he threw away his truss (support for the hernia) to worsen his condition, but the captain doctor at his regiment will be able to figure this out. He thinks that if he gets an operation, he will be put back in combat again.

    2. The war is simply an adventure to Frederick Henry; he’s there just because it’s something to do

    3. A vase of red roses

    4. They are secretly lovers

  5. Read the Cliff Notes.
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