
A Field Spell card is considered a Continuous Spell Card??

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For example for effects like Hamon's and Gravi-Crush Dragon...




  1. it is a spell card that continues on...

    but it isnt a continous spell card, i know thats weird to hear... but it is a differnt type of card, its all about the symbol on the top right side of the card

    so they cant be used for Hamon or Gravi-Crush

  2. No a field spell card and a continues sell card are two different things.You can only have one field spell on the field and a continues spell is continues and you can have as many as you can put on your spell and trap zone

  3. a field is similar to a CSC as the can stay on the field 4 the whole game unless its destroyed or the card effect says so. its different as u hav to put it in different slot.

  4. A Field Spell Card isn't a Continuous Spell Card at all. It goes in a specific place on a "Dueling Mat" when used, and has a starlike symbol next to the label, "SPELL CARD."

    Continuous spells go in the same area as the other spell cards and contribute to the 5-card limit. They have a figure eight symbol next to the label, "SPELL CARD."

  5. field spell card is a totally different type of spell than continuous.

    in the rule book they have two separate sections so therefore field cards are not treated as continuous spell cards

  6. A field spell card acts totally like continuous spell card but they are of a totally different category as not all continuous spell card affect the whole field but almost all field spell affect the whole field.

    So basically effect for Hamon's or Gravi-Crush Dragon does not work with them

    Hope this is clear enough

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