
A Florida single mother Lists her home for sale and throws her bed in as a plus, isn't this Prostitution?

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So a single mother in Florida, Deven Trabosh, has decided to sell her home and her bed in a single sale, and the news outlets run with the story like it's something good?


To quote the story,

"She's tried night clubs and online dating sites..........,'I figured let's combine the ad because I'm looking for love and I'm looking to sell the house....., it's a package deal for true love' she said, a Barbie-esque blonde........ who teeters around in patent leather heels."

Sounds like a prostitue to me, how about you? Also what a good example to set for your kids. Would a male doing this be treated the same way?




  1. I agree, this is a form of prostitution, she's putting herself and her "love" in dollar amounts. It's kind of ridiculous actually. In the article, it was even noted that eBay rejected to put it up for sale on their site.

  2. i for once agree with you!

  3. That's pretty much prostitution.  She's selling her booty for cash!  I hope some ugly dude buys her and her house......then we'll see what she thinks about her package deal for "true love".

  4. I don't see how you get the prostitute angle. She is not getting paid for anything or selling her body. A Gold digger maybe is she just marries and old boy for his money and to take care of her.

  5. Yes, It does sound like prostitution. Many prostitute's are using this way to advertise. For more information look at craigslist. Prostitute's are advertising on craigslist for partners.

  6. my understanding is she's looking for a husband, not just some nookie.

  7. well, she definately looks like an old hooker, and I can't imagine that someone worth a grain of salt would want her house, or her...

    "lookin' for love in all the wrong places"

  8. I don't think that this is prostitution , but I do believe that this woman is so desperate that she has lost her self respect causing her to do and think in an unintelligent way.

    I wonder if her house is paid off or it comes with a mortgage!

    But notice that if she is a "single mother" she did not include the kids in the deal ! Are they included as well ?

    Buyers beware of the small prints!

    What will they think of next?

  9. I just saw the story on the news. I think it's pretty funny. She is pretty desperate for a husband. But millions of women in America marry guys for their money and the comfy life they can provide. And many guys would love to marry a rich B**** if they could. Look at John Kerry and the ketchup lady.

  10. If they pay her for the s*x then yes, if they dont then no, she's just S****y.  This one is confusing, if they are buying the mattress or s*x.  It probably is prostitution if it's more than one guy.

  11. Why would I want a fixer upper like that? I would rather get a new one that isnt so old.

  12. All depends upon the price..  

    I bet she won´t sell to some guy that offers $100 dollars for the whole package..  

    And will she take the package from some really ugly guy who offers a million.?

  13. Oh yeah, it definitely makes her a tute'. I just watched a story about her on the news and you should see some of the poses she's giving, if that isn't a ho I don't know what is. Can you say fakies! But there ain't no implants that are gonna fix that smoker face, NASTY!

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