
A Friend of mine is a single dad and he really has a 1 yr old son who is clingy, my son wasnt this is not good

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I used recreational tools to stimulate his mind you know like the old wooden puzzles with shapes, coloring etc... but teh attachment isnt by business to call him out on but I like him a little so how do I help as a friend/interest to break this habit, isnt good for psychological developement of the child not to mention lack of socialization with other children at a later age.

As I said my boy was a free spirit, found things to do, never clingy which every child is unique but all kids are differant so what do you suggest? How do I help him and his boy to relate in amore healthy type fashion to elimate bad behavior in the future. My friends dad had some issues with his father as a boy so of course he is going to want to step up to the plate so what do you suggest as a friend




  1. quit comparing children.  all people have different personalities.  that's what make our would so wonderful!

  2. Personally I wouldn't bring it up unless he asks if you have any ideas on how to put a little distance. Some children are excessively clingy and outgrow it very well. My son was so clingy those first 2 years that half the time he wouldn't even take daddy if he was tired or upset and his dad is very good with him. He is now nearly 5 years old and highly independant and wants to go to school (starts this fall). We didn't do anything to push him away to make him less clingy he just grew into it. You might try providing a couple of toys for the little boy that will keep him enthralled with them instead of needing dad, but some kids are just that way.

  3. You don't have the right to tell anyone whether you are interested in them romantically or not how to raise their children.  Every child is an individual and they have their onw personalities.  Just because YOUR child does something doesn't mean that everyone else's child has doesn't mean your child is the "good one".  I suggest you keep your mouth shut because it's none of your business.

  4. Separation anxiety is entirely normal and developmentally appropriate.  Your friend's child will eventually feel ready to explore his boundaries, but there's no point in forcing the issue.

  5. First, you should stop being so judgmental There could be those who think your child's independence at such a young age could be a sign of insecure bonding and they would be as likely to be right as you are about this child. Different children behave in different ways . Whatever life experiences brought this child to behave the way he does obviously make this kind of closeness important. Bravo to the father for understanding what his child needs.

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