
A Ghost Problem Or A Wormhole Problem? Why Do Things Go Missing Around Here?

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I live with my elderly mother. There's just two of us in the house; nobody else. One day she knocks a frozen steak out of the freezer onto the floor-- I heard it hit the floor while I was in the basement with a pretty good "thud."

When I came upstairs, my mother said she couldn't find the steak, which I thought was rather impossible cuz steaks-- especially frozen ones-- don't bounce or roll. But the steak was really, inexplicably, *gone.* Nowehere to be found. Never has been found, either; it just vanished!

My mother has no sense of humor; this was no joke, nor was there any place she could hide such a steak where it couldn't be found eventually. But of course she wouldn't waste food like that. To this day, we don't know what happened to the vanished steak.

On the other hand, sometimes things would vanish from where they were put to show up days, sometimes even weeks later. I once saw a missing videotape literally fall out of the air onto my bed! What's going on here?




  1. I have had a similar problem with my keys. I put them in the same spot every day and one day they weren't there when i went to get them only to be there a few minutes later when i was done searching elsewhere. Strange stuff..Maybe i just overlooked them..maybe not...I'm not sure.  I would normally say that your situation could have been elderly forgetfulness....and as far as the videotape i would try some decaff..LOL

  2. Your question is something known as a false dichotomy.  You offer two options, neither one of which is the correct answer to your question.

  3. I am skeptical on a whole vortex theory, BUT....that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  Your case has me intrigued.

    If you'd like to discuss it further, don't hesitate to contact me either through the forum or email @


  4. Yes one explanation is that your mother is older and may not remember what happen to it...but then why wouldn't you be able to find it?

    Another, which I can completely agree with is something freaky is going on! I know what you are talking about. In this house that we just bought, it is only my husband and I...I can set something in one spot and see it there daily until I need it again and then it is gone. I ask my husband about it and he replies with the he saw it in the exact place that I put it. A few days or weeks go by and it is not there or anywhere that I look, and BOOM! one day it is sitting in the EXACT place I put it! Explain this to me someone?!?!?! We are not old at all and we don't have a memory problem!

    So in the long run, even though I have no answer to your question, I do believe you. Something is going on!

  5. Please log onto one of the paranormal forums.

    I can recommend "Scottish Paranormal" as being scientific and professional.

    There is lots of discussion on these topics, and you can add your story to the growing numbers.

    My personal favourite - Time bubbles. - These float through our universe taking small objects for a set time. These are usually items that are moved about. If a time bubble catches a recently moved item, it may not exist in either position for a period - only to materialise again when the bubble passes.

    The observer will have no recollection of seeing the object dissapear, but notice it when it returns.

    The most spectacular one I've whitnessed, was a set of house keys appearing inside an unopened box of washing powder.- Only to be discovered when the box was opened.

  6. it's neither.  there are things called snatchers(recently discovered) that were another offspring of the MIA's experiment.  there are a few reported cases the same as yours.  they are like watchers, except faster and more sollid

  7. There's too many unknowns here to make a compelling case. Your mother is elderly, so her recollection of the events are somewhat suspect. You were not present. She may have thought that a frozen steak fell, but perhaps it was something else nearby that she didn't see that fell and made a thud. Then later, when this object was finally noticed on the floor somewhere, she didn't put 2 and 2 together.

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