
A Ghost/Spirit? Is Haunting Me?!! I'm Really Scared!

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When I was little i saw a ghost, no joke, in my house. A person died in my house so.... anywyas so i'm an early riser, so I woke up at like6 and stayedin my room for a bit. After a while, I heard footsteps and figured someone was awake. So i go out into the hall to see my sister infront of her room. She was wearing a long white dress. I got a bad vibe from her so I sat on her bed and felt something under the covers. It was my sister! I looked at her in the hall and in her bed! WTH? I ran into my room and started crying under the covers. Ever since then I've felt unsafe in my own house. Then this morning once again I was up early but decided to go back to sleep; I was asleep for a good 10 minutes but wasn't fully asleep. Suddenly I hear JEN!*echoe*. It was my sister. But she wasn't awake.. I kew admittely it was the ghost. Then I got really scaredand said "CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I'm sleeping in a tent in my room btw(long story) Then I hear pitter pater against the side of my tent. It wasn't raining so it was not a leak. It sounded like it was spitting rain. It went on for 10 mniutes and I got kind of fed up I said "I wish this would stop, it's annoying" Then it stopped .....then started again. After awhile I moved my position and it stopped. Is there anyone who knows what's going on? PLEASE HELP! I'm not making it up! I was awake, it wasn't my imagination, just help please. I'm starting to get really scared. Why is this ghost haunting me? In the form of my sister? I'm only 13 and need your help!

I already asked this question but most people were giving me advice on how to get rid of it. I know how to do thar. I want to figure out what it wants. And I don't think it's coming back anytime soon. It visited me when I was 6 and now 13 so...

And my sister is older then me btw.




  1. My dear Jenn....

    Believe it -or- not, but something similar has happened to me once before, when I was searching for a new I know exactly, HOW you must feel...We took a look at this real beautiful house & as we were walking through the dining room.... I felt something real..."strange" if "it" was moving with us... so I told the real-estate-guy...that I get a strange feeling, a cold shower came over me...and you wouldn't believe, what he told me...-He said, that the owner of the house has "hung himself" in the closet...-and- that he had a hard time "selling" the house, blah-blah...So I know your feeling, Jenn..

    What you could try to do is...maybe "the next time" you feel as if this "ghost" is near...just strat to speak to him...-ask him, what his "purpose" is, if there is anything you can..."do" for him? Maybe it is a "torchered" soul...wondering never know, honey !! I am sure, he does not mean you..."any harm"...Sage is supposed to be quite useful...and burn some candles as well... I am sure, you have no reason to be scared, honey...most "ghosts" are prettry harmless !!

    Wishing you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with lots of love & care... Annette***

  2. tht's totally creepy, the ghost may not want anything from you, it may just being trying to freak u out for no reason wht's so ever. ya ik it doesn't make any sense, but if u really think about it... the ghost hasn't tried to harm u. ik i was at this camp just last month and we stayed in a hall that was rumored to be haunted, some people who stayed in one of the haunted rooms (not really sure if the room is haunted or not, just rumors) said that she felt like in the night she could feel pressure like on her chest and stuff like something was ontop of her.  anyways, the last night i was there my friend and i were asleep it was like 3 in the morning and all of a sudden i woke up to wht sounded like a bell of some sort. turns out somone pulled the fuse switch and the power went out causing the fire alarm to ring once. then right after that i heard the really squeeky door down the hall open then close.  then i realized tht every other time the door opened it was just the conselours. if the ghost did do tht (which is more likely then a camper cause the power box had a lock on it) then it didn't try to harm us at all, just freak out i think. the ghost also might not being trying to get u to leave ur house either, i think it just wants to scare u. anyways, trying talking to u parents.

  3. Get some Sage and it does not have to be the expensive stuff either.  It can be the common household stuff and smudge your house.  Ask the Spirit to go to the light.  You do not wish it any harm you just want it away from you.  As you are doing with wave the lit Sage around so that the smoke fills the room.

    Sometimes the Deceased just don't know that they are. But there is never anything to be afraid of.  Try that...  Believe me it works.  I do it all of the time.  Let me know what happens

  4. well don't you have some fancy numbers there? Try talking to it, and it might give you answers. Get a medium to come into your home, did you talk to your parents about it? If the medium decides that it's real bad, you might have to get a priest the exrosize the house.

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