My son is extremely gifted, he has been in the enrichment program at school for 2 years now. The problem I am having is that his emotions are completely out of control. If I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he flies into a rage. He balls up his fists at his sides, he gets a VERY angry look on his face, stomping. I have disciplined him and still don't tell me that this is my fault for lack of discipline. Also, when he's nervous or excited, he will hop up and down and kind of "flap" his hands. It was cute when he was little, but now he's 8 and I worry about him being made fun of. His emotions are VERY extreme. I want to take him to the pediatrician, but my husband is concerned they'll just "throw him on meds". I do not feel my son needs medication, just some help understanding and controlling his emotions. I am just wondering if anyone else has had this experience with a gifted child and if anyone has any ideas/support for us. No negative comments please