
A Gun Injury Question???

by  |  earlier

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Which part of the human body would not cause you death after you are shot at that part of the body? IF there is, can you tell me which part?




  1. I would say your hands or feet. I don't know though because I've never been shot.

  2. shoulders/hands/feet/legs/arms/ well on arms and les if you shoot a vital organ youl die but if you dont youl just have very bad pain

  3. you can die no matter were you get hit , it can hit a vain , if you bleed to long, but if your trying to just shoot someone like a robery , aim for there arm , under there mucele , be carefull!

  4. lol, so what are you doing later?

  5. There are important arteries in the arms (brachial, radial, ulnar) and legs (femoral, popliteal, anterior and posterior tibial, peroneal). Major arterial damage can cause death within minutes.

    Wounds to otherwise non-life-threatening areas can cause death through systemic shock.

    Use of muscles, ligaments and tendons can be irreparably compromised by nerve damage from bullet wounds.

    If low caliber, high-velocity bullets strike bone, they can sometimes take unusual paths, ending up far away in the body from the entrance wound. Higher caliber, slower bullets usually shatter bone.

  6. Any gun injury can be fatal if untreated and it becomes infected.

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