
A JOB for a 15 yrs old teenager???need help?

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im a 15 yrs old teenager, im having some problems at the moment and i need to find a job ASAP. I live IN AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY), i've heard from my friends that MCDONALD'S, KFC or other shops can be a good choice ...

Just wanted to know will i be able to find a job since im 15???

Where can i look for it??

And i rather it be after school, like after 3:30 PM. Any answer would be appreciated.






  1. Fast food places like McDs and KFC are a good option, so try there. You could also try cleaning jobs. They're not very fun, but the pay's ok (in the UK, anyway) and they're usually out of school hours. Maybe also try local newsagents and stuff like that. Maybe you could get a paper round if nothing else.

    Good luck. I hope your job-hunting goes well. I hate job-hunting, but its so worthwhile when you finally find the right job, so don't give up.

  2. I don't live there, how the h**l would i know.


    Lot's of Jobs here!

    It's the american dream :]

  3. I love babysitting. Its much easier. I get paid 30 dollars a week to watch my god brother for 4 days 5 and half hours.  

  4. Well, I'm 15 too  and I work in my parents' office and I get paid good money. I would suggest you try out for McDonalds, KFC or Pizza Hut but I must warn you, McDonalds and KFC have a bad reputation for treating their employees badly, especially minors.

    You can convince your parents to help them out or you can do something more challenging like become a lifeguard or a tutor or something like that. Anything will look good on your resume and you may need a job so that you have more preference when applying for universities, etc.

    Find something you're passionate about and try and  find something in that field.  

  5. Hi I am from sydney australia as well and am also a 15 year old in the workforce. I Highly recommend you to apply for a job at Woolworths, It pays better than KFC and Maccas. I have been working there for 9 months now and get paid more than my friends working at fast food restaurants! You can apply for the job online on the woolworths website!!! Hope I have helped you with your decision...  

  6. i work at the local hospital (or volunteer) and you can find a job easily. if you want the money, fast food places or if you just want to do something for like community service hours...a hospital or soup kitchen something simple

  7. I gotta job for you.  It pays 10$/hr.  You WONT like's messy and smelly (as in dead fish).  But the money is good for a kid.

    Wanna move to canada?

    But you have got good suggestions with mcdonald and similar places.  Fast food places always seem to have young kids workin at em.

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